Blaspheming against the Holy Spirit?

One of the misunderstandings of the bible that Satan has capitalized on, to the detrimental of many souls, is the doctrine of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. He has made people think that their sins can’t be forgiven if they insult the Holy Spirit, by using Holy Spirit as a curse word like they do with Jesus or God. To be fair, our bible translators didn’t take time to find an easy-to-understand meaning for the verses that deal with the matter, but I wonder how they would have done it though, so they are not to blame nonetheless.

In Luke 12:10, the bible says “And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven”. Does the bible say you would be forgiven if you say a curse word against Jesus, but you won’t be forgiven if you say the same curse word but using the Holy Spirit? It sounds like it does, but isn’t Jesus, God the Father and Holy Spirit one and the same God? The bible says that Holy Spirit is God manifested in spirit form (1 John 3:24), while Jesus is still God but manifested in a human form (John 1:1-3). So what makes it forgivable to curse Jesus when He’s God, but not Holy Spirit who is still God? It doesn’t make sense, because Jesus and Holy Spirit is one and the same God. The same curse that you would be making against Jesus would still apply to Holy Spirit, even though you used the name of Jesus. So surely blaspheming against the Holy Spirit should mean something more, besides saying a curse word to the Holy Spirit.

Let’s look at the character of the Holy Spirit, and see how the Holy Spirit can be blasphemed (offended) to a point of no forgiveness for the offender. The bible describes the character of Holy Spirit as follows:

  • Holy Spirit testifies to Jesus’ sovereignty (John 15:26)

If you deny that Jesus ever existed, even though the Holy Spirit testifies to His existence, then you are blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. If in your mind Jesus is just like any other prophet or wise person who lived on earth, then you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit because He testifies to Jesus’ sovereignty as God in human flesh. If Jesus was never God or equal to God, if He was never conceived supernaturally, and if He was never resurrected and descended to heaven, then you are telling Holy Spirit that He’s a liar for testifying to the contrary. If you think Jesus’ death on the cross was just an ordinary death, and it has no bearing on where you spend eternity, while His blood can’t wash away all sins, then you are blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. You are spitting on the face of Holy Spirit if you continually live a life of sin, when Holy Spirit testifies that bondage that sin has on people has been broken.

Do you know a way in which a person’s sins can be forgiven without going through the cross of Jesus Christ? Can a person have their sins forgiven when they deny the existence of Jesus? Can any other prophet forgive the sins of men, if Jesus was just like any other prophet? All answers are no! So are you surprised then when the bible says “But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin” (Mark 3:28-29).

If you deny Jesus’ sovereignty, which Holy Spirit testifies to, then you are a lost case and nobody can help you and none of your sins can be forgiven. This is what it means by blaspheming against Holy Spirit.

  • Holy Spirit ‘wrote’ the bible (2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16)

If you think the bible was written without the inspiration of Holy Spirit, then you are insulting Him because He was involved in every process of the bible. When people insist that the bible has been tampered with during the Council of Nicea, then they are insulting Holy Spirit who was involved from page 1 to the last page. If the bible can’t be trusted as a factual historical account of humankind, then we are clearly telling Holy Spirit that He is a liar for telling us otherwise. If anything that Jesus or the prophets are said to have done in the bible is suspicious or unlikely, then we are questioning the honesty of Holy Spirit. So how we can expect to have our sins forgiven based on the authority of a suspicious source of the bible? If we suspect that Jesus went to the cross and rose again on the third day, then how we can be saved by the same cross and resurrection that we are not certain ever happened? It’s impossible, and as such our sins will remain unforgiven for eternity.

  • Holy Spirit convicts the world of guilt (sins) (John 16:7)

The most unpopular people in the world are pastors who preach against all kinds of sins. They are unpopular because they stir up Holy Spirit to work in people’s hearts and lives.  If you are a fornicator, you will never tolerate a sermon that preaches against fornication, not because the pastor would be insulting your intelligence with ancient stereotypes, but because Holy Spirit would transfer that sermon from the pastor’s mouth straight to the depths of your heart. When that happens, you are left with no choice but recognize that you are a sinner faced with God’s wrath, and you need to repent. This is the same reason many people with sin issues stay away from churches, or even choose those churches that never preach against sin. They make sure that they stay away from any preaching that will stir up Holy Spirit, so they can’t be bothered with the reality of the sins that engulf their hearts.

So how do you blaspheme against Holy Spirit then? You blaspheme against Him by refusing to repent from your sins even after He penetrated your heart and convicted you of your sins. You blaspheme against Him by refusing to listen to any sermon that will convict you of your sins, while tolerating those sermons that won’t make you uncomfortable. In this way, your sins remain unforgiven for eternity. As the bible says “how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” (Romans 10:14). You are not going to have your sins forgiven, if you refuse to listen to (or read) anything that will get you to a point of repentance and asking for forgiveness. That’s blaspheming against Holy Spirit’s power to convict the world of guilt!

  • Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and teacher of all things concerning God and the Bible (John 14:17, 25)

I have seen people with Doctorates in Theology, who are the biggest deniers of the truths of the bible. They have studied the bible without the assistance of Holy Spirit, and they wonder why the bible is difficult for them to understand or believe. Some of them have managed to find contradictions where there are none, because they denied Holy Spirit the opportunity to play His role as a teacher of the bible and all things concerning God. They blasphemed against Holy Spirit by trying to do His role as a teacher themselves. No wonder some of them declare themselves atheist, and as such their sins remain unforgiven for all eternity. The last time I checked, atheists are those people who refuse to have their sins forgiven, and the bible is right when it says they have committed sins that can’t be forgiven by blaspheming against Holy Spirit.

As we have seen, saying curse words against Holy Spirit is not what the bible refers to when it speaks of ‘blaspheming against Holy Spirit’, even though curse words could lead to an unrepentant heart towards God and more importantly unforgivable sins. The bible described the doctrine of ‘blaspheming against Holy Spirit’ perfectly in Proverbs 29:1. It says “A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy”. Take note of the words ‘without remedy’. It clearly shows that ‘blaspheming against Holy Spirit’ is not a New Testament teaching, but it has been there all along, and it doesn’t refer to specifically cursing but rather an unrepentant heart towards warnings and efforts by Holy Spirit.

Are you scared you might have blasphemed against Holy Spirit and committed an unforgivable sin? Don’t worry, the fact that you are worried about forgiveness of your sins and the guilt thereof, shows that Holy Spirit has succeeded in your life, in His role as one who ‘convicts the world of guilt’. As the proverb says ‘the first step to getting help is to recognize that you do’, and you do recognize that you do need God’s forgiveness. So all you need to do is ask God for forgiveness and He will forgive you, curse words or not He will forgive you.

Charles Spurgeon said on “The Unpardonable Sin”:
One friend perhaps says, “I am afraid that I have committed the unpardonable sin.” If you come to Christ, you have not, I know; for he who comes to Him, Jesus will in no wise cast out. He cannot, therefore, have committed the unpardonable sin. Come along with you, man, and if you are blacker than all the rest of the sinners in the world, so much the more glorious shall be the grace of God when it shall have proved its power by washing you whiter than snow in the precious blood of Jesus.


  1. james said

    Hi! I have been hearing curse words against GOD. And trying to making them stop. I don’t believe its me thinking curse words, cause I don’t speak in this manner. Could use some advise. I love GOD, & trying to get closer!

    • I didn’t understand whether you have been thinking curse words against God or you have been hearing people say curse words against God. Anyway, if you have been hearing people say curse words against God and they end up remaining in your mind, then it doesn’t mean you are sinning against Him. It’s given that what people say to us remain in our minds for a long time, so it doesn’t discredit us in anyway. Hence Jesus said ‘a man is not defiled by what enters their mouths (mind)’ (Read Matthew 15:1-28). The problem comes when we convert those curse words that entered our mind into becoming our own, by actually saying those words ourselves.

      Here’s the solution. Try to refrain from all places and people who use those curse words, because even though they may be saying them unintentionally the likelihood is that Satan is using them to get at you and disturb your peace. If you can’t aviod those people, then make it clear to them that you don’t appreaciate it and they should stop. Remember that what we store our minds has the potential to defile or strengthen us, like with sermons. So treat these curse words in the opposite manner in which you would treat a good sermon from your pastor. Since you try to absord and replay the sermon in your mind over and over again, then you should try to delete and avoid those curse words in your mind as much as possible.

      The bible gives an incredible solution to how you can deal with evil thoughts in your mind. In Phillipians 4:8 the bible says “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”. So whenever those evil thoughts makes their way into your remembrance, then substitute them with godly thoughts. It takes time and a whole of discipline, but it always works.

      Whenever those curse words comes again, think about the bible verse you like.

    • Gaynelle said

      It’s the enemy James. Keep it moving forward in Christ Jesus! He is in love with us more than we will ever know!

    • sharoon said

      hye james i read this message of yours i have the same problem its like i am trapped what is this ???/

  2. Bheekha Jugdiss said

    Greetings in Jesus’ Name.
    Brother I am tormented by blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Ghost, Jesus and The Father as well. I as still a new born again christian, still an adolescent. i bother told me aout the unforgivable sin., i misinterpreted it. in fact he explained it to me wrongly. since the i’m tormented. i really love God and I really don’t want to hurt hi. I’m scared because i dont want to go hell. please help me brother.

    • Bheekha, Christianity is like riding a bicycle for the first time, if you stopped going forward then you’ll fall but if you continue going forward then in time your riding skills will improve and your feet will be steady. Almost everyone when they started being a Christian they struggled with one thing or the other, but in time they became strong and managed to deal with sin’s hold in their life. Don’t be discouraged, but believe that God loves you and He will help you overcome your bad thoughts. One way I use to overcome bad thoughts is to substitute them with good ones. The bible says “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Phillipians 4:8). So the next time you have bad thoughts then quickly think about good things that are happening in your life, like the mercy you have received from God. In time, as it is with everything, your thoughts will be subject to God and you will overcome bad ones.

      Most importantly, pray to God about your thoughts, and don’t forget to apologise to Him about them. The best way you can overcome this is by occupying your life with the bible. When you read the bible a lot, then you end up having many revelations from God that occupy your life, and your mind becomes busy with the things of God.

      NB: Never doubt God’s love for you, because that’s the best trick Satan uses against new converts – he makes new converts think they are a disappointment to God and most end up leaving the faith. God cares about you and He will never leave you no forsake you, with or without your failures.

      • I also recently started having the same attack.
        Anytime I try to praise our heavenly father or the holy spirit or Jesus, I would hear the opposite of the words I’m trying to praise God with.
        I never want or even wish to disrespect our father, his son and the holy spirit in anyway.
        Because of this I feel I in danger of hell fire .

      • What bishopgreen says happens to me too. I have also recently read that Paul was a false apostle and his followers are going to hell?

  3. Josh said

    Great article! I have a similar problem to the other posters. Even if thoughts felt as if they were deliberate on my part, can I still repent and be saved? I know this sounds odd, I’ve been a Christian for 24 years. I am terrified that I have lost my salvation.

    • Even though we are Christians, we still sin, but the difference is that we are not under the control of sin. We unintentionally sin, and when that occurs we should ask God for forgiveness and ask Him to help us to live a godly live. Can you repent? Yes! The best way to deal with evil thoughts is to fill your mind with the word of God so you can substitute your evil thoughts with godly thoughts. It doesn’t help watching pornography and then expect to have godly thoughts. When your mind is exposed to pornography, then only pornographic thoughts will rule your mind, hence it’s important for a Christian to be filled with the word of God.

    • Gaynelle said

      Sound like me…you do. However, I am pushing. I love God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The enemy wants you to give up! But you cant you must do what the Lord has called you to do in this life. Fast, pray, keep hearing the Word. Praise Praise is what you have to do. God knows your heart. Didnt he promise to forgive all of our iniquities, cleanse us with His precious Blood of all unrighteousness! I cant let this go ….I am determine to have the victory. Love u and God bless you!

  4. dion d said

    Hi, I recently was angry with God because of my situation. I’m believe I’m saved but while I was angry I was sad and i thought about my pastor saying how we can “grieve” the Holy Spirit. Then as I grieved I knew the Holy Spirit grieved because of my sin and I deliberately in my heart and maybe out of my mouth(can’t really remember) said with anger and intent to hurt “yeah, grieve I don’t care!” But later while I was in the gym a few mins later, I felt lost and trully questioned my salvation in Jesus. I then thought of other religions in a stupid attempt to make God feel sorrowful of me in blatent disrespect. Then a few mins later I cried out for help to Him. Its been about a week since that happened, why does it bother me now? Ots almost as if I did it yesterday. But the day of I took no notice to what I had done because I didn’t feel like it was blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Did I blaspheme? Canine be forgiven? I repented several times. Thank you

    • There is not a sin that God can’t forgive, if we ask Him for forgiveness. The bible, which is God’s Consititution that even He can’t go against, says God “forgives wickedness, rebellion and sin” (Exodus 34:7), and most importantly it says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). If the bible, that God has written, says God can and will forgive you, then why do you have doubts? I know why, because there’s a person called Satan, and the bible says “he was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). Satan lies to people and tell them that God cant forgive them, which is why I wrote this article to begin with. Satan has used the dotrine of ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’ to lie to people and keep them away from God, but you should not allow him to cheat you of your salvation. God loves you, and He doesn’t take pleasure in seeing people in their sins, He wants all people to repent and be reconciled with Him. How do I know that? The bible says God “wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). God wants you to be saved and He’s ready to forgive you, so don’t ever think otherwise.

  5. Lukasz said

    It’s demons in you or attacks from outside James!!!
    Download some stuff from:
    and listen.

  6. DeeGee said

    I have been in the same situations where the Devil has attacked me, whenever the thoughts entered my head, I read scripture, praise God, pray…
    God does deliver and my Faith is even stronger now…..since then, he has attacked me again but THIS time I attack back with the word of GOD!

  7. julie said

    i have a question. i have been having bad thoughts enter my mind about the holy spirit. and now its like i cant hear god anymore. i feel bad and i want god but have i blasohemed the spirit of God? I need prayer for an answer from god and just answers . it seems like the thoughts are mine

  8. Matt said

    I am seriously concerned. I have been attacked by the enemy for some while now and when I was weak, I allowed the thought into my head it doesn’t matter anyway. It does and it did. every lie the enemy comes against you with must be countered with the word of truth, which comes from scripture. It is written as Yehushua said. Christ tells the truth. It is true. This is belief. You have already overcome the enemy and that is something the enemy will try and tell you you haveb’t by keeping you depressed miserable in bondage through words etc. The enemy will try and decieve you out of this knowledge. Do not be weak. The enemy is a liar and the father of all lies.

    Rebuke him immeadiately with the Word of God and do not take any resistance. Send the lie(s) back straight away say I do not believe in you or a single word out of your mouth because JESUS says this. And I believe Him. This is how to deal with a person who attakcs with leis and onslaughts against a believer. Cut off comunications with these people. I knew I was weak at the time, for it is a continous warfare and battle we are in and I was drained from fighting all day. Lies and allegations can come as fiery darts from the enemy and those used by the enemy to attack you. You need SPIRITUAL ARMOUR and PROTECTION OF THE LORD. Resist the attacks of the enemy.

    This is crucial otherwise you will be overcome. I did not do enough on that night to overcome the deciever. I got hit by doubt and confusion. I went to bed thinking I had been so bad God could not forgive me. This was a guilt trip from the enemy. Of course I had been forgiven by God and He Loves me but I had been tricked out of knowing this.
    This was the repressive attitude and words I had been listening to all day. God can forgive you. The one thing He cannot do is forgive someone who does not believe in Him. You do not need to seek forgiveness from your mother or any other person on earth because they do not have the power and authority to forgive sins. Only Christ Yahusuha does, so He is the only person you go to to seek forgiveness and He will. You must believe in Him to do so.

    If you lose that belief having already had it and a spirit filled life with the Lord the end condition is worse than that iof the first (the unrepentant sinner who has not been born again or saved). It is better to have not been saved. How bad is that. You have already comitted a sin against the Holy Spirit, by being weak enough to succumb to lies that God the Father cannot forgive you. Of course He can, so BELIEVE IT and DO NOT DOUBT FOR ONE SECOND.

    At the time I just so much wanted to go to sleep at my Mum’s and forget the troubles of the day caused by her evil and non belief and I was so tired I just closed my eyes and wanted to go to sleep without the mental willpower to resist. I thought that God hated me. As you can see it was all about ‘me’ which was the deception. It should have been all about God not me. Seek God and Go YES FATHER I repent of my sins please forgive me.

    I had too much hatred of myself I did not even do this. I couldn’t be bothered ast that time even though you must reprent and seek forgiveness as soon as you commit a sin and believe that it is forgiven as there is a time frame to forgiven in and the Holy Spirit will be tellin you straight away to repent of that sin.

    My Mum had the evil in her to try and convince me I had been that bad God cold not forgive me. Of past situations which in all reality are not that bad, but my mum is an evil person a liar and distorter of truth as the enemy is.

    I felt cold and empty and awoke later to be missing something. That I believe is the Holy spirit which fulfills you and makes you happy in all situations and complete you as a person. I doubted the Holy Spirit. Which is a sin. My conviction in the Fatehr were shaken just for a second as to not get my response, because I went into shock.

    At this moment I am not hearing from God or feeling Life in my Spirit and as a spirit filled beliver this saddens me. I am not myself. I am far from God. I believe He has punished me for this weakness. God does not mess around. Even with His Angels he is perfectly serious. I had been warned not to go back there for some time as simply put my Mum is too dangerous. This I felt in my spirt all the previous evening even though I was confused as to where I was going to stay. I thought if I went back there I could overcome the evil or things would have changed and I went back there in faith that they would however this was contrary to God’s will. Howvever they had not. The enemy does not change. A leopard does not change his spots. And I am paying the price for trying to change them rather than yeilding to God who simply said stay away form her.

    Tehre are poisonous witches out there. They exist.

    Do not take the Word of God lightly. It is perfectly serious. Do not play around or be indecisive with God. I had been prone to an indecisive mind and that is my fault for not surredering completely to the Will of God. Not my will but the will of the Father in Heaven.

    I pray I will see the Kingdom on Earth or in Heaven.

    I am not myself. Regarding this is says those who have a faith and lose it, are better to have not been saved.

    Seek the truth. And keep to it no matter what do not abandon you Faith no mater how bad the situation is and more importantly know that God loves you and you must resist the enemy by Gods love keep it in you.

  9. Anthony said

    I’m not sure I agree with the first point. Does that mean Muslims have committed the unforgivable sin? They reject Jesus as Lord. And the Lord chooses to reveal Himself to some of them and they repent and are saved. And yet that wouldn’t be possible if they had committed the unforgivable sin.

    Given the context of what Jesus was saying (I think the pharisees were saying He is casting out demons by the power of Satan) I suspect that the Holy Spirit would be blasphemed if you truly knew that God was doing something but you attributed it to Satan.

    I don’t think thinking nasty things about God is committing it and I once heard a pastor claim he too had such thoughts. I think you need to take every thought captive and praise God to allow you to have such thoughts as it focuses your attention on Him and you can praise Him and worship Him. Remember: submit to God, resist the Devil and he shall flee.

  10. Valeri-experienced in these tortures said

    This is about Anthony’s statement. And more..
    “Given the context of what Jesus was saying (I think the pharisees were saying He is casting out demons by the power of Satan) I suspect that the Holy Spirit would be blasphemed if you truly knew that God was doing something but you attributed it to Satan.”

    But, I would say that even still someone saying such a thing as this can be forgiven…because God can forgive all sins.
    The Pharisees were in danger because they had turned their backs on God over and over. They were daily living their lives as imposters and self seekers. Preachers and not practicers. Satan was their father and it was not in their heart to love God because they were not truly choosing Him. It was their deliberate choice, they were choosing to live a life as a Sheppard fraud and choosing to not love God. They loved their pride and their position of fame among the people. They knew His word and still hardened their hearts to loving God.

    Could they have been forgiven at this point? God Himself, Jesus the son of God, the Savior who washes away Sin was before them, an obvious invitation.

    The Pharisees had already been offending Holy Spirit by their choice to not really know God. And once again continued to offend when in making the above statement to Jesus. They were even Still rejecting the invitation, making their firm decision. All in all showing their true decision bringing themselves in more danger of the fires of hell as Jesus spoke of. Matt 12:30 “He that is not with me is against Me”.

    I personally know what these blasphemy tortures are by night after night, day after day horrific experience. I suffered them a long time and many other tortures. And subsequently I know my adversary well because of the wisdom God has given me through these experiences. He is a liar mimicking our own voice in our minds to make us think we are cursing God and/or His Spirit and His Son. He pushes us to believe we are committing this sin or that we will. He makes it hard for us to see the truth that we are not going to hell if we open our mouths and say such things. Don’t let the thoughts freak you out when they come, try to ignore them and let them pass without becoming fearful or offended. The enemy knows you are afraid and your fear empowers him. It is not you, so don’t feel you have to repent every cursing word passing…it shows the enemy you are afraid and are not holding to the truth. Though do take time to come before God and repent because these things of the enemy do get on you and you need to be washed. But, just let the thoughts ride and do not panic and when you feel strong try to cover your thought patterns (trigger words as well) with good things…like mentioned by the author of this post. New and good thoughts will build over the bad ones and the bad ones will fade eventually. It is a work in progress and also God can work in your mind. Call Him to help and free you. But when you understand the enemy is lying, that you are not going to be separated from God forever by saying something against Him, then it will bring freedom as well. It is only when you continually walk away from God, even after He has come many times to draw you and you continually reject Him. It is a more profound thing than thoughts and words, it is a heart condition of when you have firmly decided to leave God for good, and Gods reaching hand doesn’t reach anymore. He may reach again after you have left, and again but if you don’t return He eventually stops reaching. He’s not going to make a person be with Him. And if that last sentence made you afraid…ignore it…you obviously want to be with God.
    Hold on to Him. He loves You!
    God Bless

  11. upasana said

    i am a 17 yr old… i believe in christ and i wish to get the holy spirit in me for real… i have repented in the past and walked around thinking that i had the holy spirit.. but i keep committing horrible sins… unable to control myself from committing so… :/ i do not know when this would stop… i really wish to become a good hearted person and i dont even pray the day i commit such sins… because i am ashamed to stand in front of god… i really wish i got the holy spirit in me… would God help me after what i have done???

    • Upasana, the bible says “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). By being Christian it doesn’t mean we are perfect, and we sin we shouldn’t be afraid to come to God and plead for mercy. Satan wants to keep us from God, hence the bible says we should come boldly, so don’t allow Satan to keep you further away from God. Whether you have sinned or not, you should always come to God in boldness and He will always forgive you of all your sins. There’s no sin that’s unforgivable, only those that you don’t want God to forgive you for. If you dont’ ask for mercy from God, then your sins will remain forgiven.

    • shelly said

      sounds like perhaps the Holy Spirit is leading you towards holiness living. It’s called being sanctified. One CAN live above sin everyday. We don’t have to sin. When one is sanctified, our will is no longer leaning towards sin. God COMPLETELY removes the desire to sin. Sanctification is a defintite instantaneous work of grace that a believer can experience. Look for a good holiness church that preaches such and see if that isn’t what you’ve been yearning for in your life.!!!

  12. angela said

    Hi, I said directly to the holy spirit right before my salvation or right after to The F word off and to leave me a lone that I didn’t care what he wanted to do in my life.that was 6 and 1/2 years ago. Since then I believe I have recieved the holy spirit, gone on encounters, speak in tongues and repented. According to what I have read people say that blasphemy is not being able to ask for forgiveness because you have rejected the holy Spirits leading. Since then I have been repenting for my sins. Any way I ask that if using the F word is blasphemy becuase in..Ist Timothy 20 it says…”During the course of his apostolic ministry Paul was forced occasionally to deal with false teachers who were damaging the faith of others.

    “Two of these renegades were Hymenaeus and Alexander, who had made shipwreck of the faith of some. Accordingly, Paul informed Timothy that he “delivered unto Satan” these rebels that “they might be taught not to blaspheme.”

    Then in 2nd Timothy 16″ But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. 17 And their message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort, 18 who have strayed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of some. ”

    So in 1st Timothy it talks about how Hymenaeus and Alexander were sent to Satan so that they may be tought not to blaspehmy……….

    and then in 2 Timothy 16 the word of God tells us not to use “Profane” and idle blabbing I enphesize “PROFANE” because doesn’t that mean to cuse/ sware. use ethe F word? and the Word continues and mentions Hymenaeus again in this passage. I am just making the isn’t that blasphemy?


  13. angela said

    Hi last comment. I also found in Hebrews 3 verse 7 7 So, as the Holy Spirit says:
    “Today, if you hear his voice,
    8 do not harden your hearts
    as you did in the rebellion,
    during the time of testing in the wilderness,
    9 where your ancestors tested and tried me,
    though for forty years they saw what I did.
    10 That is why I was angry with that generation;
    I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray,
    and they have not known my ways.’
    11 So I declared on oath in my anger,
    ‘They shall never enter my rest.’ ”[b]

    12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. 15 As has just been said:

    “Today, if you hear his voice,
    do not harden your hearts
    as you did in the rebellion.”[c]

    so the beginning part of this verse says if you hear the holy speaking speakin….and the end part of this passage says “Today if you hear his voice,
    do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion…………”hardening your heart does not say blasphemy, but rather rebellion. So isn’t what everyone is saying about blasphemy being rejecting the Holy Spirits call to repentence untrue because here it was talking about rebellion….?

    Angela .

  14. TheTruth said

    Speaking in tongues? Seriously?

    I suggest you see a psychiatrist.

  15. Anthony said

    I’m not sure that was particularly helpful.

    Why do you suggest she see a psychiatrist?

    Isn’t speaking in tongues listed as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit? I don’t see that He has stopped giving them.

    • Adam Wasson said

      I said some swear words to the Holy Spirit with the F word and such. It seems that Angela has done the same thing and yet God still communes with her through tongues. Am I wrong?

    • Jonathan Bernier said

      The psychiatrist is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, the psychiatrist is an antichrist himself, and you know it. Psychiatry is 100% illegitimate in the United States of America. Psychiatrists are men of flesh who piss and urinate on the Constitution of the United States of America, amen. Now, you will obey that, and shut the fuck up about it, asshole. Amen.

      • Anthony said

        Can this post be removed please? And the poster blocked?

  16. Charles Spurgeon said on “The Unpardonable Sin”:
    One friend perhaps says, “I am afraid that I have committed the unpardonable sin.” If you come to Christ, you have not, I know; for he who comes to Him, Jesus will in no wise cast out. He cannot, therefore, have committed the unpardonable sin. Come along with you, man, and if you are blacker than all the rest of the sinners in the world, so much the more glorious shall be the grace of God when it shall have proved its power by washing you whiter than snow in the precious blood of Jesus.

  17. Paul said

    Hi, I’m really scared. when i first heard about the indelible sin my mind unintetionally cursed the holy spirit at the most unknown times. is there anyway i can be forgivin? can i be prayed for

  18. Anthony said

    I don’t think you need to worry. Just thinking a curse word or cursing the Holy Spirit is blaspheming Him. Read what the Pharisees did – they said Jesus was attacking Satan with the power of Satan, when they knew it is the power of God. If you knowingly say something is Satan when you know it’s God then you’re in danger.

    Cursing the Holy Spirit isn’t a good thing to do, but it’s not the unforgivable sin.

    Sounds like an attack to me. Remember, submit to God, resist the Devil and he shall flee.

    You’re OK, don’t let it worry you! You haven’t committed the unforgivable sin!

  19. Anthony said


    Sorry! I meant to say “just thinking a curse word or cursing the Holy Spirit ISN’T blaspheming Him”. It’s blaspheming God, of course, but not the very specific sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

    If you know something to be the act of God and yet still say Satan is doing it, then you’re likely to be blaspheming the Spirit.

  20. this happened to me too. i worried about blaspheming the Holy Spirit. But when you ‘fuel the fire’ and try to resist certain thoughts, i ended up thinking it. Just straight out. I had before that only wondered how you would manage to say something against the Holy Spirit. I thought that calling it evil was it. then all the sudden i did it! it came out of no where! so then, distraught and confused and concerned, i scoured for answers as to whether or not i could ever be forgiven of what i had just thought which i know is nonsense. Then i found out that it means dying in a state of rejecting God, of rejecting His Spirit. It’s a state of not wanting God’s love or Him as Saviour. Its living and wanting this world and self-indulgence, our fun, our wealth, not caring about eternity. not wanting His forgiveness for our sins, but wanting to live in them. I am often plagued by evil thoughts, even against God. they are quite sick. But then i remember what St Paul wrote about. and i feel a little bit better. i know i love God and am scared of being in hell- i certainly deserve hell, but i don’t want to be without Him for any amount of time. I’m often scared about this. when you’re scared and hurt you reject God. Yes it is the best advice. Fill up your time with GOOD things and GOOD thoughts. increasingly the evil that you have within our worldly state will be UNDER control. We were sinners. we once gave into the evil of things. we once lived for ourselves, hurting others because we were hurt. Thinking is dog vs dog world. God is faithful His mercy is renewed every day. When we forgive, have mercy, do good, in thought word and deed, we can TRAIN ourselves out of it. God has comforted my heart with the message, that the Saints were sinners, day by day we chip away at an immensely huge boulder. He is with you. He won’t leave you. He loves you and has fought hard for you. He sees to the end of time. He is consistent. He doesn’t repent of the gifts He gives us. He won’t let you go. Even when you let go. But if you reject Him, His love, mercy, forgiveness, healing, then you can’t be healed, you can’t find forgiveness… we can always ask Him for help in that.

  21. Hi… My name is bryan… I had this similar situation regarding blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. One day, as I was reading the bible, I read the passage in Luke that says whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Suddenly, these bad thoughts came out of my mind, even though I can’t control it, but it still pursues me to think even though I don’t want to…
    Also, at once, I think this bad thoughts to recall what I just think of. But then, it just makes me feel more guilt even thinking the phrase of these bad thoughts… Is there a chance for me to enter salvation???

    • There is a chance for you to receive forgiveness and salvation from God. The bible is clear that God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. Ask forgiveness from God and He will forgive you.

  22. Anthony said

    There is absolutely a chance for you to enter salvation. Don’t be fooled by the liar!

    Don’t forget we are to take every thought captive! When you start thinking bad things (and don’t worry, we all do – I thought I was the only one until I went to a men’s meeting and the pastor said he sometimes thinks terrible things about God and the others in the meeting agreed that they did!) just start praising God and Jesus in your mind!

    Praise Him for His love, His grace, His greatness and majesty, any of His amazing attributes that come to mind. It’ll be a fight, but the bad thoughts will start to go. Just keep doing that. I did and it worked for me.

    And don’t worry. You’re experiencing what every Christian ever has suffered. If you’ve given your life to Jesus, you’re still saved!

  23. Donicio said

    Why would God put this in the Bible if so many people would struggle with thinking they have committed this sin? Once any person is told not to think of something they think it! Once we read Blaspemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, us who have struggled immediately think a bad thought against the Holy Spirit? Wouldn’t Jesus know we would have been tormented by this passage without explaining it more? This torments me every day!! What human really knows the truth but God himself? Thats why we can’t be comforted thinking our everlasting soul is on the line….. All these websites I look and read the same thing… people worried that they have committed this sin and pastors and peoples opinions that we have or haven’t……. I don’t believe the True Lord God would put something in the Bible to willfully make us committ the unpardonable sin!! It was the Pharisees hearts that our Lord Jesus saw that would never come to repentance! I think they new Jesus miracles came from God deep down and still rejected Gods True LOVE AND GRACE for worldly things… Jesus saw their hearts!! Am I wrong? Sorry this was so long, I had to say this to someone somewhere… Can I get many peoples opinions?

  24. Donicio, you are right in that many people are struggling with this very issue, hence I wrote this post to begin with so they can get comforted. Unfortunately Satan has a way of twisting the truth so it can appear in another way, he did that with Eve, and the bible says “he is the father of lies”. He uses this verse to lie to people and tell them that God won’t forgive them, when we know from the bible that “God is just to forgive us all our sins”. I wish every Pastor can preach about this, so people can be freed from Satan’s lies.

  25. sampaul said

    some times evil thoughts of holy spirit comes in my mind also sometimes i draw naked women to fulfill my ambition as artist ,is it a sin please help

  26. Randy said

    Hi ok my thinking is swearing at god and Jesus and the holy ghost ok like the baddest names you can think of you know the devil and you know the s and the d word this happens in my thinkIng every day but i saw out no it’s not true and then I swear at the devil but this is all in the thinking that is hard to stop I try to stop it but a lot of times it slips out of my thinking then my thinking say it I don’t mean it is that blasphemy can I be forgiven

    • Every sin is forgivable by God. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

      • Randy said

        But did I do blasphemy

      • Randy said

        Did I do blasphemy or by talking with your mouth I need to know if I did it

  27. sampaul said

    some times devil comes in my mind and says meanest and unholy things about Jesus and holy spirit but i don’t mean it i am afraid that i”ll land in hell

  28. Lazarus Kiran said

    I got understanding of what the unforgivable sin? I have that proble for 2years. But, today I realize what it shows or not. Thank you for this article and keep pray for me to get in touch with God like before days.

  29. I got another option about what the unpardonable/unforgivable sin is. My heart tells me it is cursing or offending the Holy Spirit in a profane way. Like curse words you blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I’m admitting it to you today. If you hear it in your mind you haven’t blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Only if you say it or utter it sound off will it not be forgiven. Sometimes telling the truth will offend others, but someone must speak. Denying, unbelief, rejecting , the Holy Spirit isn’t blaspheming. It is a speaking sin. You must say it. For God’s sake, don’t say it. Pray if you have done it that he can save you for the sake of His undeserved kindness. God be with all of you.

  30. Leah Michelle Kowalski said

    Hi, Leah here, I have this problem, but nowhere can I find the answer, I have recently learned of this unforgivable sin, but also I have learned committing such sins unknowing they are unforgivable sins are perhaps forgivable after all? Is this true? I have committed this sin accidental, as saying “Screw you God, fuck you to hell.” but I had no idea what I was doing was so terrible, I LOVE God, in great measures, I don’t want to go to hell, please could some one help me, I have repented, and nor more will I say such mean things, am I forgiven?

    • Leah, God is able to forgive you for any sin that you ask forgiveness for. 1 John 1:8-10

      • Leah Michelle Kowalski said

        Thank you(:

    • Michael said

      I did something similar to this when I was a child. In fact I prayed to receive Christ only because I thought God was going to send me to Hell because of what I said. Later In life I asked Christ to same me again because I wanted him as lord but still struggled with the words I had spoken in the past. Some good advise a friend of mine gave me is that if you are afraid you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit you probably have not. The only time in the bible where this is referenced is when the pharisies attributed the works of the Holy Spirit through Jesus to satan. Keep in mind there was no shame there, and there was no repentance by these people. You have to hear God yourself on this particular issue, but I have often wondered if the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the stark rejection of the only being that can lead you into salvation through Christ and if you harden your hear to the Holy Spirit and therefor reject Christ what is left to save you? You won’t care that you blasphemed and you won’t want anything to do with Jesus. JMHO

  31. bassinet said

    I think this is one of the most important info for me.
    And i’m glad reading your article. But should remark on few general things, The website style is ideal, the articles is really great : D. Good job, cheers

  32. Ashley said

    We Christians should stick together and feed each other spiritually, please add your number or something, I suffer from this too, God bless you all, I love you. I love talking to other believers in Christ.

  33. Aj said

    Hello, I am seriously worried about the unforgivable sin and when I am around things where the Holy Spirit is working e.g in church or at like deliverance meetings. These uncontrollable thoughts come into my head saying it’s not of God, but I start getting proper worried as I know I don’t believe them and it just causes me so much distress. And I keep crying out to the Lord as I believe in Him and I know they are not true. I need serious help please. I’ve even considered suicide just to remove these evil thoughts from of my mind. It’s like as soon as I’ve been delving deeper in the Word of God, it’s like there are more attacks on me. I love Christ so much and I don’t ever want to go to hell. I was recently shown hell in a dream aswell, and this made me worry even more, like maybe that’s where I am going. Please, what should I do?

    • Matthew said

      I do not thin you are going to hell my friend. These topics are indeed very serious. I believe you are very aware of the reality of this place and the dream may have been to show you where man others are headed. If you are serious in your convictions which I believe you are I see no reason for you to go to that place as a final destination. That is just my opinion.

  34. George said

    Hello there. I was born Christian but never knew the world of god. God has called me to repentance . I have repented all my since. I have very very positive connection with God and Jesus and love them so much. Every since I have read the scripted about unforgivable since . Curse came into my my mind. But Ignored it for 2 month but then I had doubt it because I didn’t really know what unforgivable sin was . It been 2 months that I was so terrified and tormented . Cry and broken heart . Because I love God and Jesus . I have explained this to my cousin then my cousin told me no that is from the evil he want to deceive. My cousin explained the meaning of the unforgivable sin. Then more and more thoughts came into my mind about the power of god and Jesus miracles just like what the Jews said to Jesus, ever since those thought coming to me it dwell on me and I am more terrified and down . I feel like I am actually saying and there is no forgiveness. I am living by spirit ever since I received Jesus Christ as my saviour . Does this mean I have committed the unforgivable sin? Please help

  35. charles said

    So a few things in my life may have happened, i cant remember the exact story but i will say it the best i can remember, god knows i wanna say the truth in this matter. i never knew Gods word or the spirits gifts, I have a memory that im sitting on the couch flipping the channels and came across a woman speaking in tongues and said that woman is possessed.

    The second memory is im driving down the road, its either before or right after i came to christ, im picking my kids up at there christian school, a few years before that they where doing halloween and kids were dressing like devils and other stuff, i dont know if it was before or after me coming to christ but i said they were devil worshipers. im not sure of the exact stuff that happened.

    The third one is i called God a evil spirit.

    im just ashamed, and fearful of hell fire. I know god is real and Jesus lives. he lives like we breathe. im just feeling down and stressed. I didnt know these things. am i lost before im saved

    So now another thing came to me. Its a memory of me saying i called god a evil spirit.

    All these things came or happened before i knew about God The true living God and the Son Jesus. didnt the bible call satan the god of this world? Im just hoping and praying im not condemned for saying those things, i think i said them into the reference to this world and the things that happen and maybe even about hell, im just hoping and praying for a response .

    • Anthony said

      No one can be lost before they’re saved. From what I read in the book of Hebrews, only those who have tasted the goodness of God can go away so far that it is impossible to return.

      What you did is exactly what Sello Rasephei said above. You said terrible things about God. But we all do. We all have. You’re no different from any other person before they met Jesus. I’ve even met a pastor who confessed to having “terrible thoughts about God”. He has those thoughts and he’s saved. And ministering to others.

      The enemy will attempt to use your thoughts against you. Your response is to take every thought captive and to submit to God and resist the devil (and he will flee).

      God loves you. He wants you to be saved and not perish. If you confess your sins to Him, He will forgive you and He will forget your sins.

      You, and the others above, have nothing to worry about. No one here has done something that cannot be forgiven.

      I don’t believe it’s easy to commit the sin. I certainly don’t think it consists of thinking some bad thoughts about God.

      Don’t be afraid. Ask the Lord tonight to show you His love for you. Then put this behind you and do what He has already done – forgotten this whole thing!

      God bless you, my friend. See you in heaven!

      • charles said

        The memories our of things i said. Over and over i am tormented by the 3 things, saying that i blasphemed the holy spirit. that i said them things. i know God is Good i see no wrong in him. Im just so afraid them things above out the unpardonable sin, i will ask him tonight to show me love.

      • Anthony said

        What you’re experiencing is heavy condemnation sent by the enemy. This isn’t God convicting you of wrong doing. It is Satan accusing you.

        You cannot commit the unforgivable sin before you are saved. And once you are saved, all sins are forgiven.

        God has forgiven you. You must forgive yourself now. Don’t be led astray by a lie from our enemy.

        Thinking bad thoughts about God isn’t blaspheming the Holy Spirit, it is an attack by the enemy to push you away from Jesus. Next time you feel condemned, pray. Praise God. Thank Him for the good things He has done for you. Worship Him. Sing His praises. The attacks will stop coming as soon as you use them to move closer to the Lord.

        The Lord bless you richly, my friend!

      • Anthony said

        So how did you get on?

      • John Dah said

        Thanks alot. I was so terrified

    • charles said

      anymore people have a opinion?

  36. charles said

    What do you mean?

    • Anthony said

      Did you pray? Did God answer you!

      • charles said

        i did pray i was lead to john 15, and i received a card in the mail from a lady in my church, Isaiah 40:31 and psalms 37: 23-24. I deleted Warcraft, and now im in a battle to stop smoking and drinking, i cant do anything unless the lords hand is with me. for i cant do anything on my own, i want to abide in his love and bear fruit for his pleasure. i dont want to be a fake christian or be thrown in the fire for not bearing fruit.

  37. charles said

    • Anthony said

      Good man. The Lord bless you!

      • moinchina said

        I’m really scared because in the past I was angry at God and I think I told the Holy Spirit that He was evil and was the devil Himself, right after I said it I was sorry. Didn’t actually mean it but I was angry at God so said it , now I’m so scared I will go to he’ll cuz I blasphemed the HS 😦

      • Anthony said

        I don’t think you’ve blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Everyone says and does bad things because of their emotions. Peter denied Jesus three times.

        You have to repent of that sin but I don’t think it’s the unforgivable one. Remember the Pharisees knew who Jesus was and took the calculated step of calling Him Satan for their own gain and to get at Jesus, not as the result of anger.

        You have done wrong though, so confess and repent of your sin, never go back to it and move on with the Lord. He loves you.

  38. charles said

    So a few things in my life may have happened, i cant remember the exact story but i will say it the best i can remember, god knows i wanna say the truth in this matter. i never knew Gods word or the spirits gifts, I have a memory that im sitting on the couch flipping the channels and came across a woman speaking in tongues and said that woman is possessed.

    The second memory is im driving down the road, its either before or right after i came to christ, im picking my kids up at there christian school, a few years before that they where doing halloween and kids were dressing like devils and other stuff, i dont know if it was before or after me coming to christ but i said they were devil worshipers. im not sure of the exact stuff that happened.

    The third one is i called God a evil spirit.

    im just ashamed, and fearful of hell fire. I know god is real and Jesus lives. he lives like we breathe. im just feeling down and stressed. I didnt know these things. am i lost before im saved

    So now another thing came to me. Its a memory of me saying i called god a evil spirit.

    All these things came or happened before i knew about God The true living God and the Son Jesus. didnt the bible call satan the god of this world? Im just hoping and praying im not condemned for saying those things, i think i said them into the reference to this world and the things that happen and maybe even about hell, im just hoping and praying for a response .

    Anymore people wanna chime in and offer anything?

    • J said

      I’m in the same boat. How are you now?

  39. Adam Wasson said

    I said the F word and D word at the the Holy Spirit, can I be forgiven. I said F Him and D him.

  40. Adam Wasson said

    Didnt Angela say she spoke in tongues even after saying F off to the Holy Spirit? It seems like God didnt cut her off. Am i right with this assumption?

  41. SavedbyGraceAlone said

    As a child I struggled with this – I was sure I had committed the unforgivable sin and the verse tormented me. As an adult it happened again, i was afraid the thoughts in my head may one day accidentally slip out of my mouth in a moment of anger or weakness. What comforts me now is knowing that God is not the author of confusion! What does the verse truly mean, I do not know-obviously do not sin against the Holy Spirit but it is way deeper than just being highly susceptible to suggestion or losing control in a weak moment. Go on YouTube, John Piper has a good answer those who are afraid they have grieved the Holy Spirit.

  42. Erica said

    At a point in my life I considered my self really spiritual and didn’t curse, so Because I didn’t curse, when people ticked me off I would just tell them I would curse them out in tongues. It was a joke but also a way of me saying don’t mess with me, even though I can’t curse I will snap on you. However I didn’t literally mean curse. Is that blasphemy?

  43. silver said

    I have prayed and read on this subject. I kknew I didn’t want to do this as soon as I firgured out that there is this sin. I hated it and set my mind not to do as well as not using the Lord’s name in vain, but while I was reading the bible one day, because I was trying to use scripture to defeat these fits of depression that were brand new to me, I came across the blaspheme the holy spirit scripture again and a horrible thought came to my mind. I can’t remember anything leading up to that thought or the thought after only this horrid feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’ve gone back and forth since then and it has been about 4 years. If anyone reads this, I didn’t want/don’t want and never to commit this sin. I believe it takes a lot more to do so, but this feeling keeps coming back. I have prayed for it to go away, gotten closer to God, continued with my bible reading and sharing scriptures, but many times I feel like a liar because of this condemning feeling I get here and there. it lasted for most of my college years, anxiety and nervousness sadness and just heavy sorrow. I use those words not lightly. If it is true that having that worrying feeling is evidence that The Holy Spirit is with me, as I want it to be, then why do I still have it? My parents, my dad just cuts me off mid sentence as usually and says his peace about it and my mom she doesn’t fully understand. I haven’t found a church home yet, and the churches I visit many people say the same thing. I believe Jesus loves me and that I came to him far before all of this happened. Before the depression bio polar diagnosis (this is really the only thing I get emotional about anyway) before college and before highschool ended. I’m sorry for writing this long whatever this could be called. It is just it is happening again, the worrying thoughts. Now. I haven’t any one person I can explain fully and I don’t fully understand why my brain dwells on this, but this I care very much about where my soul is going when I die. When the day of judgement comes and we all must answer for our sins…I want to be with Jesus. There are other things about me that seem to fit right in with being a stupid failure but I had Jesus and now I feel like I am so stupid that I even failed having faith. I second guess everything that I do and don’t do. Like I am invited to one of the churches that I visit for holy communion and I want to go and gain some word and be in my father’s house, but I also don’t want to go because I don’t want to experience that condenmed feeling in church…again. I feel alone, I feel like my case is different than perhaps many if not all of the other people who may struggle with this. But I try to keep clinging to Jesus the only way I know how, with prayer and reading scripture, and really putting the scriptures to what I say my actions and behavior. It is so back and forth and I am only 25, I might have many more years on this earth, Lord willing, I can’t live with this. I know I am a sinner, but I asked Jesus to come into my heart and I do again and again, I love that I made that choice, that God put me in a place to want to do that. Why did all of that happen if it was going to end lie this? I guess I just don’t know what to do I feel lost and alone. I’m sorry again for the long post; my mind is not the clearest right now.

    • GMC said

      Hi Silver, the world really doesn’t make any sense any more. Actually I am the same age as you and have felt roughly the same for a while. But to be honest I really it is just the day and age we live in. Like if it says to be called to seperate from the world and you actually do that u end up living in social isolation. I can think to myself many times this is a joke I have always had anxieties about somethings at this level, the same kind feelings which influence my decisions. But I mean where is the joy these days, that’s how I feel. It just seems a process, time is going quickly anyway, but I just guess we have to persevere to the end no matter what kind of condition we end up in. I used to be a fit cross country runner even a a regional level in England. Sometimes I look back those days what I can actually remember and just think did I even dream it. There is virtually no connection to the lost world of where we were from. The 90’s and even early 00’s were a completely different world. It just doesn’t make sense but the only thing that does is the word of God and then if u actually stand on that as a foundation then if u really actually do it u will encounter all of the above things that u mentioned. I guess you have been through it as well. Yeah I mean I get the hypocrasy of most of the churches. I mean God does say that even in these days there will be no knowledge of God in the land. And if it is the end of days which I believe it to be then these events globally are in His hands. Have you seen the youtube videos on the net n these subjects, I’m not weird or anything but I mean all that stuff has come to pass and is coming to pass, regardless. So the rate a day goes by it seems like well u know. It is going fast. So just don’t give up I guess. It is a primarily joyless world because of the people who had a choice and they chose to be bad it’s as simple as that. How can you correlate with this atheistic world that champions science as the beacon of all reason and has no faith. The people as described as lacking natural afffection (presumeably joy or something similar) so how can anyone relate to these people. What unity can light have with darkness. But it’s just a matter of waiting. I more or less reached that conclusion in 2005 when I started to read certain subjects. And Babylon has been de-mystified so I’m just waiting for it to collaspe meantime everyone else is seemingly unaware. Don’t know where to begin with it really but I guess u feel similar. Anyway if u want facebook email me I’m not weird or anything, but I do feel at times a shadow of my former self. It does say the meek shall inherit the earth. When you truly feel sad about the state of this world, they are so few people that actually even get that. I barely wonder if it’s worth descibing to people because all anyone will try and do is medicate you. I suppose it is about knowledge and at the end of the day ignorance is bliss. But knowledge makes a man or indeed a woman for that matter not fit to be a slave in my opinion. This is with regard to worldy systems rather then Christ. I hope u are ok and well anyway. Look for example I used to be really quite good looking but I am 25 and some days I just feel like a grandad. It’s weird no doubt. At the end of the day the Word God says that at one point in the past in time, God was so angry he destroyed virtually everything in the world because it was evil and everything was given over to wicknedness or cold heartedness. And there are people who smile with evil intent. So I mean the problem is with the world. I have tried also to change it, but I mean look at these people, really. All the stuff going on now and still no-one says maybe this happening because of so and so. It’s like they can’t be reasoned with. And the scripture says there will come a day and age on the earth when mankind will not even tolerate sound doctrine. So well there it is anyway.

      • silver said

        Thanks for replying. Yes I do see what the scriptures say coming to pass more and more. However people who take the time out of their day to reply to a person who is having some trouble, shows that there is still great champions of Christ out there. Thanks again and God bless you.

    • Anthony said

      This, and other posts like it, is hard to respond to. Not because I don’t think you’ve committed the unforgivable sin but because I think it’ll be hard to show you that you haven’t.

      What you’re suffering from is not the conviction of the Holy Spirit, but really heavy condemnation and we know who the accuser is.

      Years ago, without any forethought, the idea that I want to go to hell popped into my head. I’ve thought terrible things about Jesus and God and the people of God. I don’t believe anyone who has posted to this page (including me) has committed the unforgivable sin.

      We all think terrible things about God. It’s one of the main weapons of the enemy. We are instructed to take every thought captive.

      When bad thoughts assail me, I thank God and praise Him that He allowed it so that I can focus my attention on Him. I then spend time praising and worshiping God. Because it’s counter-productive, the enemy stops using bad thoughts to attack me.

      So don’t feel condemned. That’s not of God. Conviction which leads to repentance is of God. Condemnation which makes you feel isolated from God isn’t. Don’t second guess yourself. Just trust in Him. He is faithful and just. Confess your sins, repent of them and Jesus will forgive you.

      When the doubts come, submit yourself to God and resist the Devil. You’ll find the doubts and thoughts will start coming less and less.

      Don’t think you’re alone in feeling this way. Even Paul the Apostle said he did the things he ought not to do. We all sin. We all need to ask for, and receive, forgiveness. And I, too, often feel alone in church.

      Ask The Lord to show you His love for you and ask Him to bring to mind the things you have done that have grieved Him. And make a list. Then repent of each item on that list.

      If you were beyond forgiveness, you wouldn’t be able to get close to Jesus. The fact that you can means you are still saved.

      Praise The Lord for that. And do what I’ve suggested. You’ll feel better. Ask the Lord to bring a like minded person into your life to strengthen you.

      The Lord bless you richly.

      • silver said

        You’re right. I guess there are some moments where I just let those doubts get to me. I’m quite embarrassed really, but agreed I have done what you suggested and will wait on the Lord. Thanks Anthony, it really means a lot. God bless.

    • conrad said

      Ephesians 6:10-18

      Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

      11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

      12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

      13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

      14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

      15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

      16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

      17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

      18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

  44. charles said

    I hope everyone is doing ok. Not Long guys, and we will be with the Lord. I myself have been going through this, i posted above. I am trying hard to understand why this is happening to so many people that love Jesus. its not happening to people that Dont love jesus! Sooo, Whats this all mean. We should praise the lord in are affliction. Praise the True living God. We have been blessed to have been called to know the truth, and the spirit has testified of it. Thats how we know and believe with out a doubt Jesus is alive and true. Be humble and wait on him. Pray for each other in are affliction. it says we wont be put to shame with our faith and belief in Christ.

    • conrad said

      Ephesians 6:10-18
      This is the scripture in God’s word regarding spiritual battles and put on the full armor of God in prayer.

  45. erica said

    At a point in my life I considered my self really spiritual and didn’t curse, so Because I didn’t curse, when people ticked me off I would just tell them I would curse them out in tongues. It was a joke but also a way of me saying don’t mess with me, even though I can’t curse I will snap on you. However I didn’t literally mean curse. Is that blasphemy?

    • Anthony said

      Excellent idea. Though time zone differences might make it difficult. I’m on BST which is GMT+1. Instead, I can pray for people between 5 and 6 today, but I can’t be online at the time.

    • Anthony said

      No, I don’t think so.

      Christians can curse people. Jesus cursed the fig tree though it was representative of something else. And cursing someone in tongues isn’t possible, in a way. You have no idea what you’re saying and it is the Holy Spirit that is leading you. He teaches you to pray properly.

      After all of that is said and done, Christians should only curse if it is the specific will of God. We should bless people, even if, especially if, they tick us off!

  46. Lindy said

    Hi.i need help,last week friday i read sumbdy’s status on facebook it twask kinda insultingsince then i had slepless nyt,voices in my head insulting God,tryna to pray en read the word of God but it kept on coming,en iv read de scripture dat said God cannot forgive unpardonable sin,now i feel like um de 1 insulted thou i know Deep down inside my heart i will never insult God nor His son Jesus Christ,um confused i feel hopelessand useless,i even wish 2 die cos i already hav mentality that God cannot forgive me so il endup in hell…Please help me

    • charles said

      This fear of blasphemy aginst the holy is serious. I too read the word and feared that I might of said something with out knowing. Let me tell you this. It could be an attack on your mind. And it will cause you to sin if you let it work you over. I have fallen hard and sinned because of this fear. Started to drink the fear away could not sleep and brought great torment to my life. I pray that we never committed this sin and if it was done it was out of ignorance and not with belief in God. I never knew there was a real God. So how know what kind of things I said in my unbelief and ignorance. I still fear but its in Gods hands

    • silver said

      Staying in prayer is a good thing. God knows the hearts of his creations. If you had a heart that was fine with insulting God or his son, then you wouldn’t be feeling this way. A person who wants to insult God and turn away from his word and the Holy Spirit, would do so and not have a problem with it. You do not think that Jesus did any of his signs by some power of evil, and you don’t want to. You want to have peace and salvation and know Jesus is the way, that’s a sign of the Holy Spirit working within you. Stay in prayer friend, the devil won’t win.

      • Anthony said

        Silver is mostly right on the money, though I’m sure the word says Esau did not find a place of repentance though he sought it with tears.

        The thing to do is seek the Lord. Don’t be fooled by condemnation because that doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit.

        As Silver said, you don’t think that Jesus operated by the power of Satan, so ask Jesus for His peace. Perfect love, coming from Jesus, casts out all fear.

        Ask the Lord to show you the things in your life you must repent of. Make a list. And then go through the list, praying and asking forgiveness for and repenting of each one, by the time you’re done, you’ll be so much closer to God you’ll wonder what you were ever afraid of!

      • charles said

        I’m still afraid. I was under this attack to. and it caused me to drink and commit sin. now i wonder if God has hardened my heart and taking his gift of repentance away. Please pray for me my name is charles and i believe. I hope he can and will help me i dont want to burn in hell with the devil. please pray for me if you read this. God forgive me and take me back i’m sorry for my weakness

      • Anthony said

        You believe! Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? Have you made a confession of faith? That you believe Jesus is Lord? Have you been to church? If you’re anything like me and Silver, the feelings of condemnation will hit you like you won’t believe when you’re in church!

        I will pray for you, my brother, but pray for me too! I need it every bit as much as you do!

        If you have sinned, and we all do, wilful or not, then you must repent. He is faithful and just and will forgive you your sins when you ask Him. Committing the unforgivable sin isn’t a case of thinking terrible things about the Holy Spirit. I’ve been told it’s a real resistance, a real opposing, of the redemptive work of the Holy Spirit. I’ve read that the unforgivable sin is not accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour while you are alive and have the chance. I believe, though, that it’s knowing for definite that something is of God and yet deliberately saying it’s of Satan. Now, this isn’t just a simple mistake, or something said in the heat of the moment, or something said in weakness. It’s a very deliberate thing, The Pharisees did it. You haven’t.

        So, ask Jesus, tonight, to show you the way. You won’t feel like praying, but do it anyway. He might not straight away. The Lord’s ways aren’t ours. But ask Him. And make that list. Repent of everything the Lord brings to mind.

        You’ll feel better and closer to God!

  47. phillygirl said

    Hey, what if we all come to this site at the same time one day and pray for each other. The bible does say, where two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be also. Huh?

    • Anthony said

      Weird. Left a reply for you but it attached to Erica’s post!

  48. phillygirl said

    Ha, yeah replies for me are out of order sometimes.

  49. Danielle said

    Ok so I think I comitted the unpardonable sin because I think blasphemous thoughts and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. I curse the Holy Spirit in my mind and mock God and I feel so bad!!!!!!!! Im kinda freaking out cuz what if I did comit it!!! 😦 No I dont want to go to hell now!! Im so scared why does it hve to be like this?! This is unfair!! 

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

    Sent from Samsung Mobile

    • Anthony said

      Do people not read anything that has been said on this page before?

      Maybe you should read the above where people have said things very similar?

  50. Cora said

    Oh my goodness, I am so glad that this topic was posted. I woke up this morning with the worst thoughts in my head. Like cursing God. I dont curse so to have this thought in my mind was like horrific. I had to google “can someone think curse words against God and really be saved. I have no idea where the thoughts came from. I see that I am not the only one that has had such thoughts happen. Not mad at God or anything like that. I was questioning my salvation and feel so much grief.
    Thankful this was there

    • Irene Anne Peter said

      Hi, Irene here. I’ve been facing the same problem about 5 years ago. It all started when I started using swear words like the f word upon Jesus and God. I felt horrible but I just ignored it. The real problem started when I was 11 and I heard this thing from my teacher..”God will forgive you even if you speak against Him or Jesus but speaking against the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven”. I got really horrified and got really worked up about it, although I never spoke or thought against Him. Unfortunately, just a month ago, I got so worked up and scared of it and…I spoke a swear word upon Him! I immediately burst into tears, thinking that God will never forgive me. I spent a whole week, crying and finding for solutions on the Net on this particular sin. I was actually relieved when I got to know from one of the articles that if I’m scared I’ve committed it, then I haven’t. Sadly, that relief didn’t last long. I got worked up again and cried…No one in my family knows about this, and at one point I couldn’t take it any longer and I cried my 14-year-old heart out to my parents and they brought me to a priest. The priest explained to me about this sin and that’s when I got to know that this sin is telling something is the work of the devil when you knew it’s the work of God and rejecting Him out of your life. I was relieved, again, but not 100%. Then, I went home, and being in a tropical country like Malaysia, it has not been raining for more than 2 months and suddenly it rained, my first impression was “Hail the Lord! It’s RAINING!!!” and about 5 seconds later, I heard a voice, that sounded so like me, and unusually so intentionally insulting said “This is the work of the devil.” Like, the heck?!?! I usually receive insulting voices from the back of my head about God and they sound so unintentional and this time, I felt like I denied the Holy Spirit by myself! I feel so hopeless and when I realized I was so wrong about this, I felt “I did something REALLY wrong, this time for real!!!”, I felt like God will NEVER forgive me for what I’ve done but I know I am wrong and feel damn guilty and regretful about it. I’ve said this thing for maybe a thousand times daily..”God, please forgive me, for I’ve sinned against You. Please accept me as Your Child. I can’t live a second without You and I want to be with You for eternity in heaven…I’ve REPENTED!!!!!!” I felt so horrible for myself for I’ve been acting like the Pharisees, and I can come to a conclusion that the more I get to know about something wrong and after the moment I’m relieved for I know I didn’t do it, I’ll do/think/behave WHATEVER it’s written or said (criteria) to commit that something i don’t really want to do. Deep in my heart all I really wanted to do is run to Jesus and fall to His feet for my wrongdoings and cry my heart to God, hug Him tightly, give Him a kiss on the cheek like a daughter’s to her father and scream “Have mercy on me, the sinner!! I love You with all of my heart and I believe in You and believe me, although I may have DAMN insulting thoughts about You, my love will still remain the same till the very end….” I am really sorry for this post being extremely long and anyone who managed to read up to this point really deserves a hands off! May God pour the most of His Blessings upon you and I hope there is a solution to this problem…

      • Anthony said

        You really haven’t committed the unforgivable sin. What the Pharisees did was a calculated denial of God by claiming the work He was doing was the devil. It wasn’t a simple thought that popped into their heads, it was thought out and planned.

        They knew who Jesus was because of the miracles He performed. They knew He is the Messiah. And yet they deliberately called something and someone they 100% knew to be of God the devil and that cannot be forgiven.

        It’s not a curse word against God. It’s not a simple “praise God – it’s of the devil”. It’s calculated. You have to plan to do it. We all have terrible thoughts about God. It’s our fallen nature. We’re sinful. Or sinful hearts rebel. But to set out to call something Godly the devil for your own gain is unforgivable in God’s eyes.

        You haven’t committed any such sin. You may have sinned, don’t get me wrong, but your sin is forgivable if you confess it to God and repent.

  51. Johnk22 said

    Hey very nice blog!! Man .. Excellent .. Amazing .. I will bookmark your site and take the feeds alsoI’m satisfied to find a lot of useful info right here within the post, we’d like develop extra strategies in this regard, thanks for sharing. dcebebekkdkk

  52. Vincent P said

    I’m afraid that I thought evil stuff about Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God. I’m scared that I’m gonna go to Hell. I thought bad stuff against Holy Spirit
    I thought so much evil stuff about it that I feel condemned to hell. I have trouble controlling my thoughts. I really want God back in my life, but feel like I’m damned forever. I can’t stop my evil thoughts, I prayed to God that I’m sorry but I can no longer feel the Holy Ghost with me. I am worried about going to Hell. I also willfully sinned against God so many times that I feel like I’m doomed. I don’t know what to do anymore.

    • Karina said

      I have been in the same thing you are In and I am now
      I would cry and be depressed and even lost weight….
      Some Christians fear so much of doing this that they end up doing it
      If you want to go back to God
      My opinion is to get on your knees and tell him what you been going through that all you want to do is follow him but you need help overcoming this and he will help you

  53. suzanne said

    been struggling with something that happened to me some time ago and an dhow i ended up in sins since then…i was emotionally upset one day cuz my mom had made me feel so worthless, and i read of the blapsphemy and in my pain i told god the holy spirit as a comfort was a lie and did he hate me too like my mother…i have since been terrified i did this sin and this is why i have struggled with other sins and am so afraid of not being forgiven…i told him then and many times since then i was wrong to say such a thing i was sorry and please forgive me but i feel hopeless much of the time[never thought or said the hs was demonic or what jesus did was demonic-i was upset and felt awful ]…please help?

  54. e said

    It’s not even a suprise to me that so many people ha ave the same reaction after learning about the unforgivable sin. I have struggled with the bad thoughts and sin too. Its hard to believe but, I think I was called my God recently. I have never felt so much guilt and doubt before in my whole entire life. Ive even fallen into willful sin. That is extremely unfortunate. I don’t like to sin. I guess it’s out of weakness. After I accepted Jesus into my heart I had no idea what to do next or how to do anything. I was trapped around bad stuff. Sometimes I feel disgusted with myself. I want to be better. I feel like I can be better. I don’t like being the way I am. My situation is really complex, so I can’t even say if it’s too late for me. I was abused growing up so I don’t know how to be in a relationship with someone. The Spirit of God knows my heart more than I do. Hopefully everything will be okay.

    • Anthony said

      A relationship with God? Good question. Talk to Him. Tell Him what you want, what scares you, what you need, how you feel. Be honest with Him, because He knows the truth anyway. David Pawson (check out once said that the Bible is written in prose (the lines that go all the way to the end) and poetry (lines that don’t go all the way to the end and lines that are different lengths). The prose is from God’s mind to ours. The poetry is from God’s heart to ours. Seems like a good place to start – speak the things of your mind AND your heart.

      Philippians 4:6 is a guideline, as is the Lord’s Prayer, but the Holy Spirit is the One who teaches us to pray as we should!

      Why is being called by God hard to believe? He’s real, He loves you. Of course He’ll call you, if you will respond.

      No situation is so complex that God can’t make it simple. Ask Him to.

      You’re not lost yet. None of the people who have posted to this page are. Keep reading the Bible and praying daily and God will show you the way.

  55. Donna said

    Ok my mom was manic when i was a child it was bad she was really taking to the bible making us go to church with flu humiliating us in front of others get the pic well this destroyed our family and made me stay away from church I was 12 she choke me put me in the car at high speeds I don’t think this was the Lords work I am 51 I now returned to God repented I wanted to talk about this cause this was why I strayed and I said it was almost as if u were evil but God I know u are good I did not mean to say evil rather it made u look like bad guy anyway I explained to God at 12 years old I did not know what to think that I always believed in him and it was just hard understanding my moms illness and I was sorry for a cuss word I used as a child for God u are good and I don’t think u want a parent to do those things I no mom was sick but this played a part in why I no longer wanted to go to church then I told god I just needed to talk about something I didn’t understand my granfTher said she had a demon ,I think chemical imbalance but did not think this was God but more like satan trying to destroy our family I just wanted God to know that I was sorry I ever strayed and sorry I said evil I also thought and went back next day and told God I did not know for sure what spirit was in her at the time if any please forgive me I just wanted God to know I was wrong as a child to stray but I found this all. Very confusing cause it was like when she went manic with bible stuff anyway it damaged me because I thought God was hurting me I love God and at 51 I’m back in church I told God I was sorry for blaming him and I have never said he was almost evil ever I dont know how that came out that way I think he understands what I was trying to say more of I’m sorry I blamed you God for I was a child and thank you for u never left me for decades I also told him today I was not saying he was evil it was more like something evil tried to wreck our home and I did not feel it was him I love u God please forgive me if I said something wrong it’s really hard to explain that sisuation from when I was a child , I am net back reunited with Christ and the devil r flesh has been beating me up so I took the sin of the cruse word to God my sins were fir given a few weeks ago but this was hitting on me hard please I told God it’s difficult to explain moms sickness and if I said anything wrong please forgive me I just needed to go to you God . ( I am of baptist faith) today I tell him agin I did not mean it as he’s evil but something tried to turn me against him I have not been to church in decades until now I just want to walk with Jesus I was wrong in my past now I’m too am scared I said something wrong but I think God knows what I was trying to say because he was with me way back then, I. Love God! See every time the devil throws at me and don’t I take it to God , I told Hod I love him and the whole thing was hard to explain so please try to understand I just don’t ever want to get away from God again my mom was out there manic really bad that was a bad time anyway the cuss word I said isn’t bothering me anymore I also told God I love my momma very much it’s just that this has bothered me throughout my life and I needed to talk about it

    • Donna said

      I made a few misspellings Hod should be God and I take my issues back to God. And dealing with a manic depressive is like all messed up confusing esp to a child, I plan on be very careful what I say I talked to him tonite and feel better but still worried

  56. Donna said

    Ok my mom was manic when i was a child it was bad she was really taking to the bible making us go to church with flu humiliating us in front of others get the pic well this destroyed our family and made me stay away from church I was 12 she choke me put me in the car at high speeds I don’t think this was the Lords work I am 51 I now returned to God repented I wanted to talk about this cause this was why I strayed and I said it was almost as if u were evil but God I know u are good I did not mean to say evil rather it made something turning me away u. gid u are not the bad guy Satan is anyway I explained to God at 12 years old I did not know what to think that I always believed in him and it was just hard understanding my moms illness and I was sorry for a cuss word I used as a child for God u are good and I don’t think u want a parent to do those things I no mom was sick but this played a part in myife. in why I no longer wanted to go to church then I told God I just needed to talk about something I didn’t understand my granfTher said she had a demon ,I think chemical imbalance but did not think this was God but more like satan trying to destroy our family I just wanted God to know that I was sorry I ever strayed and sorry I said evil I also thought and went back next day and told God I did not know for sure what spirit was in her at the time if any please forgive me I just wanted God to know I was wrong as a child to stray but I found this all. Very confusing cause it was like when she went manic with bible stuff anyway it damaged me because I thought God was hurting punishing me I love God and at 51 I’m back in church I told God I was sorry for blaming him and I have never said he was almost evil ever I dont know how that came out that way I think he understands what I was trying to say more of I’m sorry I blamed you God for I was a child and thank you for u never left me for decades I also told him today I was not saying he was evil it was more like something evil tried to wreck our home and I did not feel it was him I love u God please forgive me if I said something wrong it’s really hard to explain that sisuation from when I was a child , I am net back reunited with Christ and the devil r flesh has been beating me up so I took the sin of the cruse word to God my sins were forgiven a few weeks ago but this was hitting on me hard please I told God it’s difficult to explain moms sickness and if I said anything wrong please forgive me I just needed to go to you God . ( I am of baptist faith) today I tell him agin I did not mean it as he’s evil but something tried to turn me against him I have not been to church in decades until now I just want to walk with Jesus I was wrong in my past now I’m too am scared I said something wrong but I think God knows what I was trying to say because he was with me way back then, I. Love God! See every time the devil throws at me I take it to God , I told God I love him and the whole thing was hard to explain so please try to understand I just don’t ever want to get away from God again my mom was out there manic really bad that was a bad time anyway the cuss word I said isn’t bothering me anymore I also told God I love my momma very much it’s just that this has bothered me throughout my life and I needed to talk about it

  57. roger said

    What ever i hear the blasphemy is my mind does it wy

  58. roger said

    See it say it in mind. Jesus cast out in devil power not believe but mind does it .it stall do it .feels deleverate. Dont want it

  59. sharoon said

    Hye everyone i read every message written over here . the same problem is with me i scared to take holy spirit name and its like im fighting with my self i cant stop it it feels that im speaking bad thing to jesus or h.spirit inside my mind but im not i can stop it plzzzzz help me.

  60. Larry said

    I have a story in regards of this ill make it short. but i gave my life to christ in 2009 and was really devoted and prayed and read my bible three times a day…. and even had the passion of wanting to witness to people…

    anyways at the time i was church hopping and i felt i didnt have the holy spirit in me because i didnt speak in tongues or i didnt feel anything.

    so i started doubting my salvation. so at the time i was going to this Baptist church and they were big on speaking in tongues and they were real big on people tithing money

    so at the time these voices that i never heard before started saying your late for church go home. and these voices would always appear in the left ear. and was really snarly and angry.

    one day i was reading the scriptures and came across this about the unpardonable sin. now i never even wanted to guess what the Unpardonable sin was fearing i would misinterprit it and be guilty

    so one day i was walking my dog and this voice said you know the holy spirit is satan. OMG I IMMEDIATLY CRIED AND RAN BACK TO MY HOUSE.

    and i called my pastor(he never showed no concern and hung up on me) i was up the entire night crying and weeping. and as i can remember i heard this other voice saying you did not blaspheme my holy spirit you are being decieved.

    so anyways i felt like my whole life was lost. i was saying i wish i was never born.

    anyway this went on for a period of 2011 12 and 13. and they stopped. why?

    because i left christianity because i said god hated and was done with me so i dont belong in the family of god

    those voices left me alone.

    my nephew just like week wanted to know about jesus and he skyped me and we had bible study….. and those voices started again but they arent as loud but they just whisper

    then another voice says you have always feared blaspheming my holy spirit. if you did blaspheme my spirit i myself would of told you.

    the voice also directs me to ephesians chapter 6 10 through 18. james 4-7 and 1peter5-8

    but im still somewhat confused. can somebody that hears from the lord please pray when reading this and get back with me

  61. Clara said

    Thank you so much I feel a hundred times better…please pray for me to have self control and a unspoken request… thank you I love you…clara

  62. dinma said

    Pls I really need help, it was like two years ago one nigt that I had a thought about the holy spirit saying he was a liar, that night I could not sleep I was so sad and depressed I cried so much I then fell asleep . since then I have been constantly having mind battles against the evil thoughts , I try as best to counter the thoughts with the truth but sometimes the evil thoughts push through. I am afraid of even going to church or any spiritual gathering so that I won’t have blasphemous thoughts. I am so scared I always have the same evil thoughts everyday and the only time when am at peace is when I am sleeping. I would give anything in my life to stop thinking this way and get back on the right path with God but I feel as if he is far and am a great sinner . I don’t want to go to hell pls what can I do am so afraid and I feel as if my heart is not within me , I just feel empty. Pls help me I need help anybody pls help me I am very desperate I don’t love the devil and don’t want anything to do with me , sometimes it scares me that I can have such thoughts a little part of me even thinks that I am possessed as this is the only way I can comprehend myself having this evil thoughts pls I would like any thoughts or suggestions and pls I need your prayers as I can’t share this with anyone at home .it is such a burden on my soul

    • silversoul said

      You are not alone. For as long as you are breathing, fight it. Your loyalty and faith in God is not lost from God’s eyes. Stay in prayer. Stay in fellowship. Worship. Praise. Fast. I believe if you draw closer to God, he will keep you and comfort you. Remember those who come to him will in no way be cast out. God is faithful to his faithful. I went through years in this horrid sick and depressed haze, because of what happened to me. I even had panic attacks. Now I don’t feel that anymore, and I believe it is because I tried my best to stay with God through it. This, dinma, may be a spiritual attack, and remember those who are attacked, are so because they are drawing closer to God. God loves you.

    • anony said

      you and me have had the same problems. i believe mine started when i watched a video where this guy same jesus was Luficer and ever since those voices havent left me alone

  63. dinma said

    And am so scared of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit all I want is just to serve God

    • Anthony said

      I’d take the time to read the above first. And then go to church. It’s only when we fellowship with other believers that we stay strong. On your own, you are prey to Satan who will keep attacking you this way. What you’re feeling is condemnation, not conviction.

      Every time it comes, rejoice, praise God and read your Bible. Pray as well, probably the most important thing. Because, as yourself, if you weren’t saved, would the Enemy bother to attack you this way. If you were going to Hell, would he be wasting his time.

      It’ll lessen as you move forward, but it’ll take a while. For now, confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord.

      Go to church – ask the Lord to tell you which one – and get into regular teaching and fellowship with the saints. Once you’re comfortable there, if it’s still continuing, speak to the Pastor.

      You haven’t committed the sin, my friend. As someone else put it, would a loving God make it easy to commit this sin, yet hard to know you’ve committed it? Perfect love casts out all fear. So, love God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, go to church and let His love secure you!

    • dinma said

      And also I feel so tired and low but I can’t let the devil win, I would give anything for this to all stop

      • Hello,
        The Pharisees thought Jesus was Satan, right? I thought of it but I do not trust in it, I just read it and it popped out of my mind. Can I still be forgiven? I told myself, “God, I do not trust in this, this is not true.” Can I still be forgiven by the Lord?

      • I feel like I’m not gonna be forgiven, even though I do not trust in it.

  64. Hello,
    The Pharisees thought Jesus was Satan, right? I thought of it but I do not trust in it, I just read it and it popped out of my mind. Can I still be forgiven? I told myself, “God, I do not trust in this, this is not true.” Can I still be forgiven by the Lord?

  65. Lost and worried said

    Hello i have Posted on here before under the name Anonymus i wanted to say these Audible voices have once again returned. every time i try to get Close to Jesus. these voices will say the holy spirit is satan, jesus is satan. jesus is the lamb of satan. jesus is the son of satan. sometimes i feel like killing myself

    it makes me think that i was never Destined for salvation. i got together with my pastor yesterday and i told him what was going on. and how i feel like i was never saved in the first place…. the voices kept telling me to get up and leave and dont listen to him.

    we went through Romans Ephesians and john and we said the sinners prayer.

    but i still dont believe im savable. now in the past i did play with a Quija board. consulted psychics and mediums and palm readings and playing bloody mary

    i dont know if this opened the door but i really need answers

    im tired of hearing peoples Opinion. i really feel like Ending my life

    • Anthony said

      You messed about with the occult and wonder if that had anything to do with it? Of course it did!

      But the good news is that no one is unsaveable. I’m not sure that’s even a word! Jesus died once for ALL, not for those who are only a little bit messed up!

      We’re all sinners, each and everyone of us.

      Ask yourself – if you weren’t saved, would Satan try so hard to fight you? What’s the point of attacking you so much if you’re already lost? He’d have nothing to gain.

      So trust in God, trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Praise God and pray continually! Thank God that you’re under attack and that He allows it because if you weren’t saved, Satan wouldn’t attack you!

      No one can tell you what the Unforgivable Sin is, but I think your concern shows you haven’t committed it. The fact you are under attack shows you haven’t committed it.

      Speak to your Pastor again. Read Psalm 51. Ask the Lord to bless you and bless you richly. Ask the Lord to use you. Ask the Lord to forgive you and fill you with His Holy Spirit.

      And each time those thoughts come, tell the Lord how much you love Him and what His will is for you and for your life and what He wants you to do. The thoughts will probably return. But the more you praise God, pray and tell Him you love Him, the less common they’ll become.

      God knows what you’re going through. And He has treasures laid up for you. You are fighting the good fight. Don’t give up!

      • Larry said

        Hello im the same person you responded too before. i am still being tormented. those voices are causing me to feel like im about to pass out and ive also been vomiting.

        i know its satan and i recently bought this book called praying the Armor of God. and satan has really been after me saying the holy spirit told him to torment me

        and telling me jesus has me fooled and that jesus has no use for me and is the reason why i can never be a father

        this same voice for the past four years have spoken blasphemy against jesus and the holy spirit. and only bother me when i try to seek out help and dont bother me when im not seeking out God

      • Anthony said

        Well, Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Don’t believe what he says to you because it’s just that – lies!

        Focus instead on what Jesus has done for you. He died that you might be saved and free of voices like that. It’ll be hard work, but press on. Don’t give up. Remember that he who endures to the end will be saved.

        Jesus not only has a use for you, He has a plan for you, a plan He set out before He made the world. Jesus died once for all, including you. He died and took YOUR sins with Him on the cross – your sins died with Him – and then was resurrected on the third day. You were important enough for Him to die for. Nothing has changed that. He lifts your name daily in prayer before His Father in Heaven and your name is in His book of life!

        Every time you hear the voice, thank God. Tell Jesus that the voices have reminded you of Him and that you praise Him for His saving death and resurrection, that He called you, personally, that He has blessed you. Ask Him to keep blessing you, to bless your family, to use you to witness to the people around you. God loves you.

        The voice is a liar, the reality is that you are saved and God the Father, Son and Spirit loves you more than you could possibly know. Remember Jesus is Lord. He has dominion here, no one else.

        A minister friend of mine (who has gone to be with the Lord now) once said that a good thing to do is make a list. Sit down, with pen and paper and pray. Ask the Lord if there’s anything you’ve done in your life that has displeased Him. Pray about it. Ask Him. May take an hour, may take a few days, may take a few weeks! Who knows, how long, but keep at it. When something comes to mind, write it down. Whatever the Lord reminds you of that has displeased Him in the past, write it down. Make the list.

        Once you’ve got the list, go back over it. Repent of each, put it right with God. Each and every item on the list, confess it, ask for His forgiveness and repent of it. Do not ever return to whatever it was that you wrote down. Clear the list, bring each item in prayer.

        At the end of it you will be right with God (don’t get me wrong, you are saved right now, but this is a sort of cleansing) and you will be closer to Him. And then, perhaps, you can ask Him what His plan is for you. One thing I can see (and I may be wrong) is you helping people in the future who are in the same position that you are in now. Having come through it, how much more encouraging if you could tell people you understand what they are going through as you have been through it yourself.

        But all of this aside, you need to speak to your pastor if you feel like you are passing out and vomiting.

        In the meantime, pray without ceasing and the Lord bless you very richly, man! Keep seeking the face of the Lord and let us press on together!

    • I tried ending my life because of this. In my past I did pretend to be witches with two friends, at that time, once. Only once. It was a game, but maybe that is something. God says to us through the bible, that anyone who comes to him, he will in no way cast out. I fully believe that you will be fine. Stay with God. Call on Jesus, when ever you hear those voices. Remember God is powerful. More powerful than anything harming you. I believe God loves you. God loves us all here and al his creation. Stay in prayer. Maybe think about fasting, a little, as well. Stay with God. He is here.

      • Anthony said

        Well said!

        Amen to all of that!

      • Larry said

        Hello i wanted to share my Testimony on how God did not Give up on me. for the past four years ive been hearing Evil Demonic whispers that would speak against the holy spirit. i was one of those who had the U.S.F.S. which is Unpardonable sin fear syndrome.

        it all started back in 2009 when at the time i had gave my life to God and i was always had a passion for seeing souls saved and always praying and reading my bible

        but i wasnt one who really paid attention when i would read my bible i would just zip through the bible in a year. i never really memorized scriptures

        so it early 2011 i started having doubts about my salvation. at the time i was going to this church that was all about prosperity Gospel and always about getting rich and getting cars and big homes

        anyway they would speak in tongues and i didnt. and someone outside the church had told me that i didnt have the holy spirit or no evidence of salvation so i started doubting my faith

        so around this time these Audible voices started talking to me like they are now. whispering saying you arent saved. God doesnt love you. you arent saved

        so around that time i came across this scripture about the Unpardonable sin and i was always afraid to even guess what it was and didnt want to talk about it

        so one day i was walking my dog and this voice said something slanderous against the holy spirit. and i immediatly ran home and cried out of great fear. my heart was racing and i cried because i knew that my relationship with christ is over

        so i called my pastor and he wasnt any help showed no concern and all he did was say repent and he hung up the phone on me.

        so i was left with uncontrollable fear. i was in fear.

        so these voices would torment me in dreams. visions and say they would leave me alone if i stop reading my bible.

        it was hard to sleep at night they would whisper against the holy spirit and slander the holy spirit they would slander jesus and they would say stuff about me

        this caused me to fall away from my faith. and when i stop persuing God in 2013 the voices left me alone and never bothered me

        so the end of 2014 i started back reading my bible and yes the voices returned. this is when i knew then i was dealing with a blasphemous spirit demon in me

        and i believe the door was open in the past when i played with quija boards. palm readers. and psychics. anyway the voices would tell me to let them have my soul and to kill myself

        so anyway yesterday is when the bondage was broken

        yesterday i went to this non denominational church and i told them my situation and how i have a weak faith

        well yesterday i was baptized and i was prayed over and its like i felt something leave me and i just collapsed on the floor

        i was delivered and now i will always pray the armor of god and will continue to fight this enemy of our souls

      • Anthony said

        Ah Larry, that’s great news! I’m so happy for you and relieved.

        You testimony is encouraging to everyone else who has posted here saying the felt they’d committed to the unforgivable sin. God does still love us and the way back is always open.

        The Lord bless you, my friend. You’ve suffered so much condemnation and now I pray the Lord will bless you and use you in His service.

  66. Alexxandraa said

    Hi guys I’ve been battling bad thoughts since high school. Every time I want to get closer to God these evil thoughts appear. Recently I’ve been going back to church and trying to have a personal relationship with God. I’m trying to live a holy life for him. But today while at work I was having these bad thoughts and I said damn you devil but I accidentally said HS. Did I lose my salvation forever! Right away I started feeling my heart beating fast and I had to go to the bathroom to kneel down and pray and I felt horrible because I did not mean to say that. But my mind was just so drained it’s a constant thing! Please I need some help!

    • Larry said

      This reply is for Anthony. Anthony this is Larry. unfortunently this was short lived. i will soon be committing suicide soon

      the voices repeatedly keep saying the holy Ghost is satan. the holy Ghost is Satan.,

      i believe i did commit this sin. i do believe God did this to show me that he hates me. yes it seem like two days i was Delivered. and then they came right back stronger

      i cant deal with this anymore and i already know when how and what time i will kill myself

      ive been hearing these voices since 2011. i dont know why or how they came in

      i have always hated my life. but now more than ever i hate my life even more

      why would god allow the holy Ghost to be blasphemed. why is he allowing me to be tormented with visions. yes i see writting aswell that writes the holy ghost is satan

      im sick and tired of praying. im tired of fighting and im tired of believing something that Obviously was never ment to happen

      last night i was shown a vision of how my suicide will happen

      today i have made up my mind that im doing it

      im sick of hearing voices. no im not mentally ill either

      im sick of christians. i hate everything and body

      i have tried this christian walk. all ive been exposed to was christians who say they are christians but act like the world. they cuss. gossip. and keep up confusion

      im tired and i dont want to live anymore. and now i really dont care about Hell either

      this is proof i was never ment for salvation. God already had this plan for me that these voices were going to do this to me

      im done.

      thank you for always helping me but it didnt work out the way i thought it would be

      • Anthony said

        Wow Larry.

        What a difficult message to respond to.

        I have no idea where to start or, really, what to say.

        The first thing I would say is that the voices are liars. No two ways about it. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. God is the truth. He cannot lie, and by that, it means that what He says becomes truth. Whatever these voices are saying is a lie. They can’t be trusted at all. Do not listen to them.

        God has said He wants none to perish. None, Larry. Not me, not you, not Joe Soap from round the corner. He loves you, Larry. Always has and always will. Even from before the beginning of time. God’s only plan for you is for you to live a great life. Maybe not happy (because Jesus said if they treated Him the way they did, you can bet people will treat us as badly or worse) but still great. A life well worth living.

        Saying those words really isn’t committing the sin. I think they are sinful, but not the sin that cannot be forgiven. You need to endure, my friend! Right ’til the end. I don’t know what you’re facing. I’ve never heard voices telling me anything, I don’t know how hard this is for you. But Jesus does. Confess to Him now, man! No one else, although you should talk to someone face to face about this, but right now, confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.

        Of course the voices came back stronger. What did you expect? You start to break free and of course they’ll fight all the harder for you. That’s how you know it was working – if you were just in their grip, why bother? If you were getting free, then it makes sense that they’ll really start in on you to get exactly this result.

        And Christians, well, two things – firstly, what they do with their lives is their business. They’ll answer to God for what they’ve done – you just get yourself right and walk day by day with God. As long as YOU are right with Him, let them get on with it. But also, don’t forget that everyone of us is human. Only Jesus is perfect. The rest of us are sinners, we all sin. The Bible says if we say we are not sinners, the truth is not in us. So we all cuss, and gossip. The difference is that God forgives us. Because the Bible also says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. All, man!

        Do you want the voices to win? Or do you want to see the power of God in your life? All those things they tell you you failed on, all those statements about who/what God is, they’re all lies. Only God can heal you, only He can save you, Larry. You need to keep going. Yes, it’s hard, but that’s how you know it’s working! The whole world is a war and you, my friend, is where the front line is.

        As for killing yourself…. What about the people you leave behind? How crushed will they be? To feel that you would rather die than live with them? I work with homeless people, and I see people who have had the pain of seeing a loved one kill themselves. Usually they’re heart-broken. This is God and Hell aside. You family and friends – I can’t even begin to describe the hurt.

        But even then – this vision… It came from the liar, Larry. Prove the voice is a liar by not doing what the vision shows. Speak to your pastor, get help, don’t face this alone. God is there and He should be your first refuge, but there are other people too. I’m here too, man. I don’t know where you live, what your situation is, but you can email direct –

        A few things – God doesn’t go into detail about the unforgivable sin. To the point where most of us shouldn’t even bother about it. Calling God Satan, while a sin (it IS blasphemy) isn’t the specific unforgivable sin. The way is still open to you Larry.

        Would a God who loves us make it SO easy to commit the sin, but so hard to tell if we did?

        God’s plans have never been bad for you. He didn’t do anything to show you He hates you, because He doesn’t. He loves you. To believe anything else is to listen to a liar telling you lies. He has a plan for you, but it’s a good one. I’d stick with Him, see what He wants because it’ll be better than anything you can imagine.

        Don’t face this alone. You may feel you are, but you’re not. Get yourself right. Don’t hate your life, start fixing it. Ask God. Pray and read the Bible daily. Ignore the voices. I know it’s hard, but push them aside. Ask God to fix your life. Pray a “dangerous” prayer – ask God to fix your life no matter the cost. You’ll be surprised when He takes you at your word on that! The voices WILL keep coming back. They’ll fight all the harder for you! But it will get easier, Larry. And they will keep trying.

        You’re not lost and you’re not worthless. Not to me, not to God. Keep fighting, man! Keep enduring. I’ll pray for you. And let’s meet in Heaven, shake hands and enjoy an eternity of paradise!

        But still, before that, let know how things are going. Keep me posted. Don’t do it – pray and speak to me instead! God wants to hear from you – so do I!

      • Love said

        Hello larry

        Things are very simple and thus I will try to explain to you so you will get out of this difficult situation once and forever (if you keep strong).

        Listen this story (it is a Fictional story we learn in Greece to understand what is love by our Father God), once there was a kid who was raised up by his father since his mother died at birth. The kid start to grow up and became a strong man and very honest and fair. One day he met a person (bad spirit) who convinced him that he could gain more power, control over people, women and so on ….so he was convinced by that person (bad spirit) that if he kills his father and bring him his heart he will give him lots of money and power and to control his faith. The kid “blinded” from this power has gone and killed his father, took his heart out and run to deliver to that person (the bad spirit) and while he was running to deliver it he hit his leg on a rock and fell down and the heart left from his hand; at that point the heart spoke and said, are you ok my baby did you hit? And that’s when the kid realised what he did and that love is above all. He replied to his Father that he is realy sorry and that he will kill himself for doing such a bad thing. The Heart replied to him by crying and saying to him that he forgives him and he wants him to leave not to be hurt again and always thing that his Father loves him and he forgives him. ***Even though he has done such a terrible thing the heart of the father was still concern for his kid the same way when he did as soon as he was born.

        So, we all believe that the God is our father and the love of our Father cannot be less than what I have described before. Ask any father in this world if he had to choose to either die or his kid to be hurt? I am 100% sure that he will answer to choose to die. So, why you are worried that you did ANY sin, whatever you thought or said or done if you really regret it then the God will also forgive you because he is your Father. If a simple human father can forgive his kid imagine the Devine Holy Father of all of us (God) how easy and happy he will be to do so for ANY sin. There is no sin as long as you have love in your heart (love for others).

        ONE BIG MISTAKE that we all Christian do is that we do not REALY believe 🙂 … You know why most Christians are afraid to sin? … Because they are afraid that they will go to Hell … Does this sound correct? We should not be afraid of our faith because then it is not really a faith but we are doing things because we are afraid of something … So you need to face your fear and say that you are not afraid because you thought of something or because you said something bad and then you are going to hell, because then you are not realy a true believer. You should not afraid of Hell but you should be trying for making your love stronger for God and you will make it … It does not matter if thoughts come in your head because, sudden unwanted thoughts, as God said in Old Testament, is just a breath nothing more. It does not matter what ever you say or thought since you do not mean it … Let it be, take it out, say it, think of it in order to face it and laugh at the end of it. If you make your bad thoughts as a joke and laught at Satan who tries to deceive you then you will also forget them at the end … But even if you do not forget them and come back (I am sure although you will forget them) then try to laugh at them because it is nothing more that taking a usual breath and God loves you and know this.

        So, you understant by now that what you are passing is because you have more faith than others and you just need to turn your mind to the frequency that you are not afraid of Hell but you should be REAL with your faith and strength. You are created by God so you are by nature stronger than Satan IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE IT and FIGHT it. The fight is easy to win if you believe in it.

        So, do not be afraid of Hell because then what ever you do you do it for being afraid … but laugh at it and gain faith for eternity peace.

        One thing that you might not know is that the Holy Spirit is life and from the time we are born we have our spirit filled with the Holy Spirit and never leaves us. What happens is that we make it quiet if we loose faith but it is always there for us what ever matter. Holy Spirit needs you to live your life and enjoy it , help others and laught and be happy and try to teach the Christianity and love to others. Holy Spirit does not want you to be concern and depressed and hopeless because then the Holy Spirit is hurt as well so , what ever you thought or said forget it and try to be a good person with happiness. Happiness makes you a God person so, this is why you need to take your life in your hands and prove to the Holy Spirit that you love the gift of life.

        Now my friend stand up and live happy and with love then nothing can stop you from going in the hug of God and enternity.

        One last thing 🙂 the Holy Spirit is called Holy for a reason, can a Holy be unforgivable … then nothing stands …. Holy is Holy and will always be there to take you back when you real feel so. Believe my friend that you are strong and that created you to make him and you happy and not worry.

        With Love

    • Steve said

      Allexxandra how are you doing

  67. Chad said

    I’m scared I blasphemed the Holy Spirit . Several years ago I got mad at God for not giving me a peace about something I was praying about . I yelled at God and sarcasticly and harshly said “He didn’t lift me up when I was down “! All I asked you God was to give me a peace and you can’t even do that for me . After that I felt doomed like the Holy Spirit left me . I asked God to please forgive me but I feel it’s to late . Does it sound like I blasphemed the Holy Spirit ? If I did I didn’t realize I was doing it at the time .

  68. Kayla C said

    This helped a lot. Thanks for sharing. I’ve been struggling with this for a long time and people with well intentions confuse me sometimes but I really enjoyed this article

  69. Gary said

    i notice whenever i tried to read about jesus in the Gospel of john i hear voices say “Lamb of satan” son of satan. one day i got so frustrated i just closed my bible. because of the voices

    • John said

      I just came across your post and I immediately prayed for you. I know how you feel. I’m a recovering addict and starting this time of year, back in 2010 I started my sobriety I also began to hear demonic voices. I thought I was possessed. My parents prayed over me and even took me to have a private meeting with a Pentecostal minister and he and my father again prayed over me. The voices didn’t stop. In fact, I still hear them. What I discovered was that GOD had given me spiritual ears. I thought it was a curse, but it turned out to be a lesson. For 5 years I’ve heard many different tactics they use to manipulate and destroy people. I’ve experienced how they counterfeit emotions and cravings to commit sin. Basically, how they cheat you out of a relationship with JESUS. I have taken this knowledge, over the last 5 years and shared it with people that the HOLY SPIRIT has directed me to. I expose these unclean spirits for what they are and how they operate. GOD has a mission for all of us. Take what they are doing to you and expose them to people that the HOLY SPIRIT guides you to talk to. The more people we tell about what they do, the less advantage they have over them. May JESUS poor HIS love onto you, the HOLY SPIRIT give you wisdom and GOD the FATHER heal you…Amen!

  70. clara said

    I was afraid and wondering if i blasphemed holy spirit because holy spirit told me not to watch a certain movie i said okay then all of a sudden i rebelled and wanted to call holy spirit a demon as hard as i tried not to let it come out i believe god counted it as sin because even though i didnt say it my heart started paining and it was hurting for two days and it felt condemened..the reason i believe that this has happened to me because my grandmother cursed me before she died..she told me to stick out my tongue and she put oil on her middle finger and like a hook she ran her finger down my tongue…she died in 2001 but over the years words were coming out of my mouth that i wouldnt speak and when i was pregnant with my three childern i cursed my babies and if you dont mind will you ask god to lift the curse off of my children…since i said that towards holy spirit whats in my mouth isnt working over time any more but its still there and i am afraid i have committed the unpardonable sin…my family come from a church that did witchcraft they have pictures of me and my family but not the rest of the family and im scared..please pray that god will take this spirit from me that he tried to take away in the past but he couldnt because i thought that god was taking holy spirit from me and it is a spirit that i got when i was 15 by speaking in tongues to be saved i was innocent i didnt know the bible i didnt know all you had to do was invite jesus into your heart by saying a simple prayer because after i did what my aunt told me to do my life got dark and it was dark from 1988 to 2010 when i met my pastor who help me find jesus the right way but the curse was and still is here from my grandmother please pray me and my family husband my 12yr son and my 10yr old son who got the worse of the curse that came out of my mouth i judged another with all three of my children and if this thing wasnt in my mouth it would have never happened…thank you for listening and may God bless you sincerely clara please email me back thank you

  71. Ethan Horn said

    efore I accepted Christ as my lord and savior I was so skeptical about Jesus. I was wondering how he could be the messiah. and I was so skeptical that I accused Jesus of being the devil in disguise. Now I’ve accepted him as my lord and savior a year ago and I don’t believe that anymore. I believe that he really is who he said he is and I believe it all! but I still feel worried and I couldn’t believe that I accused Jesus of being the devil and I feel really worried. Am I forgiven for such a claim? did I commit blasphemy of the holy spirit? I am sincerely worried!

    • Hannah said

      I believe that you are. It was *before you were saved. Saul of Tarsus did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah out of ignorance. After Jesus saved him, he became Paul. He taught of God’s grace and love. What you said before you we’re saved was not good, but if you never knew Him before that, don’t worry. Just pray about it.

  72. Unsure and worried said

    im being attacked by voices that say jesus blaspemed the holy spirit by claiming to be god. these visions and voices also attack me and speak all kinds of things against the holy spirit. ever since i have been out witnessing for christ the voices have come back and got stronger

    it seems like the lord is allowing his own spirit to be blasphemed. and wont deliver me from this

    sometimes i wonder if this is why i havent received the baptism of the holy spirit

    • John said

      GOD is giving you an opportunity to see how these unclean spirits operate. You are getting a first hand experience. What’s important is what you do with this knowledge of how they hurt people and try to destroy relationships with CHRIST. Those voices are the true blasphemers! They counterfeit the HOLY SPIRIT. From this moment forward, ask the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you to people that need to hear about what these unclean spirits are doing. I’ve been hearing these voices for 5 years. I thought I was cursed. I thought I was possessed. My parents prayed over me and even took me to have a private meeting with a Pentecostal minister and he and my father again prayed over me. The voices didn’t stop. What I discovered was that GOD had given me spiritual ears. Like I said, I thought it was a curse, but it turned out to be a lesson. Over the last 5 years I’ve heard many different tactics they use to manipulate and destroy people. I’ve experienced how they counterfeit emotions and cravings to commit sin. Basically, how they cheat you out of a relationship with JESUS. I have taken this knowledge, over the last 5 years and shared it with people that the HOLY SPIRIT has directed me to. I expose these unclean spirits for what they are and how they operate. GOD has a mission for all of us. Take what they are doing to you and expose them to people that the HOLY SPIRIT guides you to talk to. The more people we tell about what they do, the less advantage they have over them. May JESUS pour HIS love onto you, the HOLY SPIRIT give you wisdom and GOD the FATHER heal you…Amen!

  73. Bill August said

    What happens when u have sweared the holy spirit in your mind and though you repent the thought keeps coming back ? Are guilty of the unforgivabled sin ?

    • John said

      That is satan taking advantage of you. Whenever that thought comes to mind, PRAY. Tell the HOLY SPIRIT that you need HIS wisdom in your life and that you want to be freed from this bondage that is being forced upon you by satan and his demons. When you swore at the HOLY SPIRIT, the idea to swear came from satan. In fact, satan may have counterfeited your own voice, in your head and did the swearing himself and then lied to you and said that you were the one that swore at the HOLY SPIRIT. Satan and his demons are liars and manipulators. They will try anything to torment you and ruin your relationship with GOD. In the name of JESUS, I rebuke what satan and these demons have done to you Bill. In the name of JESUS, be healed! Amen!

    • anony said

      young man i want you to Google false blasphemy of the holy spirit. and read the testimony of two young ladies who was violently tormented by satan in regards to this sin

  74. Leena said

    How to ask forgiveness ?? Please do help me !!! 😭😭😭

  75. n said

    I keep having the thought that the Holy Spirit is the devil…I don’t mean it…have I blasphemed? I am scared to death and I can’t seem to get peace for long.

    • Anthony said

      Why do people post questions like this without reading any of the preceding stuff? I think your question would be answered.

      Whatever you were doing when you started having these thoughts, stop doing it. Everyone thinks bad things about God. Thank God for allowing such thoughts to come and focusing your attention on Him and then praising Him.

      You’ll find the thoughts start to fade because you’re taking every thought into captivity.

    • Anonymous said

      Google false blasphemy of The Holy Spirit

    • Hatelife said

      Please Google False Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

  76. arlyn said

    hello, mh name is Arlyn and i am a backslider. i have had the fear of blasphemying the holy spirit in my whole backsliding life. note that i never wanted and don’t want to lose my salvation, pls. i don’t want to go to hell, i am a backslider, pls. tell me have i comitted the unforgivable sin???? i am very petrified and tormented of the idea that i am forever destined to hell.

    • Anthony said

      Do you go to church?

    • sistanchrist said

      Seek forgiveness from God. Stay in prayer. Find a church that doesn’t just tell people what they want to hear. God wants us to turn to him and away from sin.

  77. sistanchrist said

    Please. I’ve been here before. The condemned feeling and horrible pain in my heart and stomach is back. I don’t know why it came back. I was just trying to sleep when this fear came over me.
    My story was commented before, but here it is again…
    I had an unwanted thought while reading the scripture about the unforgivable sin.
    Then I was filled with this condemned feeling. It went away. Now it is back.
    I don’t even remember if I meant the thought or that it just popped in my head simply, because I REALLY didn’t want to have any such thought.
    My memory of it is scewed, but the dreaded feelings and pain is strong.
    I don’t think I’ll make it.
    I need help, but I don’t know what will help.

    • Adaku Okafor said

      Please start praising Jesus Christ. Put on gospel music and praise The Creator of this universe through worship songs; there are so many that you can tap into on YouTube. The enemy doesn’t want you to make it, but as long as you have sought help and Jesus Christ is still alive and well, you will make it, in Jesus Christ’s Almighty Name. Amen. Call His Name, Jesus Christ. Ask Him to help you, and He will, for His is not far away, but very near. If you sincerely ask Him to come into your heart, He will even do that too, and dwell in you forever and ever. Amen. Try this 3:51 minute video on YouTube: How to Magnify God. There is healing in the Name, Jesus Christ. Please call His Name for divine help. He will help you. His is the only One that can change your condition and any situation and turn things around for our good. Remain blessed and highly favored of the LORD. Amen.

      • UtterPureHatred said

        I committed this sin a few weeks ago i said F The and MF The. I left the faith and dont intend on coming back to a cult controlling faith

      • sistanchrist said

        I’m trying.
        “UtterPureHatred” what happened to you? What made you angry?

    • Utterhatred said

      Why do you care

      • sistanchrist said

        I love and care about you.

      • UtterHatred said

        how can you love me when we never met? i know im on my way to hell i really do regret ever going to a Assemblies of God church. i really saw through christians at this church and see why the world wants nothing to do with God. i tried this for 7 years i always knew God didnt love and want me but i still tried anyway

        alot went down at this church that just ran me away from the christian faith. Gossip. Lies. Betrayels.

        i felt like your God did those things to me

        so in anger i said F God F jesus and F the H.S.

        there is no way i can come back Yeshua said that sin is Unforgiveable. so there is nothing for me to return too

        so i don’t understand how you can love and care about me when we never met

      • Anthony said

        Love is a commandment, not an emotion. It’s an act of the will. She loves you because she compassion for you and seeks the best, as far as she can, for you.

        Either way, what you’ve done isn’t the unforgivable sin. Seriously, you haven’t. What’s happening to you is not the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It’s condemnation you feel and that’s not from God. I’m not saying that what you said was good, but it certainly wasn’t unforgivable. There’s a way back for you if you want to take it.

        Yeshua said there is a sin so bad it can never be forgiven. You haven’t committed it, so don’t worry about nothing for you to return to.

        Also, don’t judge God by the actions of his followers. Gossip, lies and betrayals sounds exactly how fallen man acts. We all fail, some fail big and some small, but every single one of us fails God and fails each other. How can we not? We’re all sinners. God is without sin, though. He won’t fail you. He isn’t a gossiper, a liar or a betrayer. He loves you and more so than sistanchrist does.

        I don’t know why you feel God doesn’t love you or want you when He sent Yeshua to die for you. When Yeshua died on the cross for the sins of the world, do you think God omitted you? Of course not. You and your sins were on God’s mind when His son died for you! God bears you in mind all the time. And at the exact moment you were saying what you were saying, Yeshua was praying to the Father for the forgiveness of those things.

        There’s a way back. You just need to take it.

      • UtterHatred said

        Why are you Answering her Reply for her?

  78. Anonymus said

    People keep telling me to come back to the faith. fact is i blasphemed the holy spirit multiple times. God really betrayed me last year through different people calling me names ect. Anyway i really wish i never became a christian i wish i was never introduced to it.

    fact is i cursed the holy spirit i called him names. i repeated the samethings the pharisee said.

    i keep telling people this. and yet they claim God is telling them to tell me to come back

    seems contradictory to me

    • Anthony said

      God doesn’t and never has and never will betray anyone. If anything, we betray Him. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can understand it? All our thoughts and actions come from the heart, we betray Him continually, yet He loves us. Enough to die for us. I’d hardly call that betrayal. And if people call you names, how is that God betraying you?

      Now to the other things you’ve said… Let’s make no bones about this. What you’ve done is a terrible thing. It’s sinful and quite horrible. But it’s not the unforgivable sin. You didn’t do what the Pharisees did because the motive was different.

      They didn’t say that Jesus acted with the power of Satan because they were angry, afraid or spiteful. It was because they didn’t want to lose the power they had and tried to turn people away from Jesus, away from salvation. They acted directly against the saving power of the Holy Spirit and that is why they committed the unpardonable sin.

      The more I think about it, the more I understand that that is what Jesus was talking about.

      You haven’t committed it. God is calling you. Will you return?

      • Anonymus said

        you don’t Know the situation you werent there.

      • Anthony said

        No. But I know God well enough to know it would never happen. And you said God had betrayed you because people called you names. Who do you think is doing the betraying?

        It’s interesting that even when I tell you good news – there’s a way back, you haven’t committed the Unpardonable Sin, you focus on telling me I’m wrong about the betrayal thing.

        And if people tell you God is calling you back, why would He betray you first?

        You need to let go of the baggage and start afresh.

      • Anonymus said

        You have a shitty Attitude problem. Alot Went Down and besides people like you are why i have turned away. Besides i dont need a Being who loves me on his Terms. And if i dont do or Follow him he burns me….. Thats not Love Thats TORTURE.

        God has killed more babies in the Bible than planned Parenthood

        Who would follow something That says how Lovely it is to Dash thy little ones Against a Stone

        Satan is always blamed For stuff but god is the one who is Supposently in Control. God is why this world is full of hurt People

        He has no Regard for peoples feelings if he did he wouldnt burn them

      • Anthony said

        Actually, when I said who do you think is doing the betraying, I meant the people had betrayed you. And not God.

        God never built Hell for us. He built it (or is building it) for Satan and his angels. And since God cannot abide sin, men who die in their sin will have to go there too. He doesn’t want to send anyone there, but He will have to.

        God kills babies? Don’t forget the Bible wasn’t written for us yesterday by Joe Soap from round the corner. There are thousands of years and a very different culture that separate us. God has commanded that sin be punished, certainly.

        That statement about dashing the heads of babies? It’s actually about the Assyrians who did that to Hebrew children. The writer of the Psalms is saying how happy they would be to be if the positions were reversed. “How happy we would be to do that to you instead.”

        God gave us all free will. You do as you choose. God isn’t responsible for the world being like this, we are.

    • Steve said

      Same are you doing

  79. Anonymus said

    Like i said before God Betrayed me and i tried over and over and over again to continue on in this faith. once i seen who the “Christians” really were and what went down at this church i left the faith, i started to Question alot of things After this. Mainly how can a loving God send somebody to hell and watch them burn to death? watch them Scream Holler and Cry

    That is not Love. That my friend is Pure Hatred.

  80. Jen said

    Good glory holy spirit come

    • Anonymus said

      Come for who? He only loves people on his terms He Is a Betrayer

      • Anthony said

        You saw Christians for what they really are? Really are? What were you expecting? If people were perfect once they become Christian, why would we need the Holy Spirit?

        I was called names by Christians because I could remember parts of the Bible and where certain verses were.

        People are people. People are sometimes bad people or easily led people. Matthew 5, rejoice when people insult you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me….

        We’ve all had struggles, some more than others. In China, they kill people who want to continue in the faith.

        I don’t understand though, so please explain, why it is that people treating you terribly means God has betrayed you. This is a genuine question.

        Clearly, there’s something holding you back from walking away otherwise you wouldn’t have found this page and kept coming back.

      • Anonymus said

        Anthony says
        You saw Christians for what they really are? Really are? What were you expecting? If people were perfect once they become Christian, why would we need the Holy Spirit?

        MY REPLY

        Why is it when i reply to other peoples comments you come running your mouth? especially when i have no interest in talking too.

        Anthony says- was called names by Christians because I could remember parts of the Bible and where certain verses were.y says

        MY REPLY

        me and your situation are Entirely Different. and your point is?

        Anthony says
        People are people. People are sometimes bad people or easily led people. Matthew 5, rejoice when people insult you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me….

        MY REPLY

        Excuses Excuses, the Lamest Excuse people make but are quick to tear down Muslims…. Come up with Another Lame Excuss? which is Absolute B.S.

        Anthony says
        We’ve all had struggles, some more than others. In China, they kill people who want to continue in the faith.

        MY REPLY

        Muslims are being Discriminated against so are Latinos and African Americans AGAIN YOUR POINT?

        Anthony says
        I don’t understand though, so please explain, why it is that people treating you terribly means God has betrayed you. This is a genuine question.

        MY REPLY
        When you tell me why is it when a Muslims does something why do you say Satan did it? And to Answer your Question God did Betray me. Do you know how to read?

        Anthony says
        Clearly, there’s something holding you back from walking away otherwise you wouldn’t have found this page and kept coming back.

        MY REPLY

        Really? do you own this page? i did walk away but i did not know it was a law that says i could not Comment…. Do you own this Page?

  81. Trevor said

    When I was 8 I had a vision of hell I had seen dolls in my room suddenly come to life with red eyes I was scared very very scared a portal opened in a mirror into hell. I ignored the instance. Now I feel as if the the devil had tried to claim me before I made a claim against god. I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 13 my life was supposed to get better but the devil continued to play role in my life I cursed up at god saying I don’t want him I want him to leave my heart telling him he is the dark while the devil is the light why did I do this cuz the devil showed me a false version of himself and lime wise false version of god I burnt his bible hoping he would leave once and for all but in my time with Satan I have found that I can’t force myself to be something im not and im not evil I have found how dark Satan truly is so once again I asked him into my heart then denied him a year later ,… But here is the thing I did that in hope of finding the small sense of light that the darkness gave me but I have come to realize yet again I only felt that dim light so greatly because I have had hardship and darkness my hole life never knowing or truly seeing the full light of god. I was in a sense lied to and deceived but yet again I believe god is with me …… I cannot denied the sins that the world upholds I cannot denie love for this world and humans I cannot denie how much I try and how much ibwant for the world to be at peace and do good and time and time again I have seen that light that I want to see reflected from me and in the good that is still left in this world I love god I’ve never denied his existence once I tried to but my heart would not stray from the fact that my words do not match what my spirit my sole and everything that I am feels I thought to myself does he exist does god truly play a role does the bible hold truth or lies and where I searched for lies and false things in god that others say exist I found none but I tried to find what I already knee want there and I couldn’t denie the truth….. My question is did I commit the worst sin ever when I questioned him and questioned the bible and god did I???? I mean I questioned but my heart and sole has always known the truth which is why I continue to return to god because even tho see what’s happening and try to run with everyone views saying that he is wrong I cannot my sole my heart will not allow me to stray from him for long I think this is because I know god I know I was sent here to earth by him and that I know despite the deception I have faced and tried to accept I cannot why is that well I have had visions of the future I have seen what people are not supposed to see god speaks threw me and yet I don’t know why he even did so after I cursed him why would he do this why would he continue to help and show me the truth when I caused him why???? I love god. I do not understand why the devil would have ever thought I would continue to follow him so blindly without question he must of known who I am he must have known my heart does both stray far from the truth …… Now why the visions why me when so many have perished under deception ….. I believe that is because my sole has seen god before my life on earth I believe he sent me here because if he didn’t then my mind and sole would have been faced with internal deception and unforgiveness …but this is not so my sole knew the truth despite what I wondered and was told about him there has always been that voice screaming out that they are wrong but I agreed with them but my heart did not and yet again Satan tried to claim me when I was 8 whhyyyy what makes me so important to claim I believe this is because I play a role in the end times or before it but I scream out that Satan shall nit have me I am with god I have learned and felt the truth and you cannot continuevto miss guide me any more than you have I will no longer listen or search for truth in your words for your words only hold lies and deception and your actions even more so …. To Satan I hope we meet someday on a battlefield but the field shall be gods .. And you satan I hope I get to fight against you for your sins are to many but would I do this alone on my own no never for it is gods judgment that shall rain on you if he deems it so. To Satan I never truly followed you for your corruption is great but my heart and love for all life and need and want for everyone to be filled with goodness over the evil that they face is much greater than your corruption has ever been to Satan I say good bye no more shall you influence me I love god I love the light I feel in ne everyday and i want god to reflect off of me never leaving questions front the deceitfulness you have place in my mind. I love god and you will not take me from him again you will not corrupt me anymore. I ask god to forgive me in Jesus name I pray amen. You are my god and I will not forsake you anylonger I will no longer deny what I feel is already inside me instead I shall except you and welcome you god please come to me show me that I haven’t gone against you and committed blasphemy. I love you god. Please send an angel to show me the way please send an angel to show me there is still a path open to you for me god I want you in my life and I’m sorry for what has happened in Jesus’s name I pray amen

  82. Also you say denying Jesus is the BOHS but didn’t Peter get forgiven for denying he ever knew Jesus? I have doubted Jesus was the Christ but am a firm believer now. However I fear for my soul because the devil claims me as his own and I am afraid for many reasons in my life that I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. There are many cases in the Bible where Jesus forgives people for doing things similar to what the Pharisees did that He called BOHS and yet somehow I think He won’t forgive me.. I think all sin blasphemes the Holy Spirit, but especially idol worship and sorcery, because they treated their idols as God and God is three in one, yet God sent the gospel to the Gentiles as well. So what could I have possibly done that’s words than worshipping a false God as God and treating false miracles as the work of the Holy Spirit?

  83. Sylvia Marshall said

    I feel guilty every day because I curse God the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit every day. Scared of dying because someone used witchcraft on me many years ago. This bothers me and I cry out to God for forgiveness and continue in this sin.i am so afraid of God and still continue in this manner. Sometimes I just want to commit suicide and end it all and ask God to let me die even though I am afraid.

    • Noel Lugo said

      I don’t personally curse the Holy Spirit with mal intention.. but I fear things I have ignorantly said regarding the Holy Spirit in the past and even now have caused me to miss out on Heaven. I am very frightened. Curses of the Holy Spirit enter my mind, but I take those thoughts captive before they settle in my heart and I pray them up to Jesus to take out of my heart. Still I fear for my salvation because of questions about my beliefs and regular bought of doubt, fear about thr unpardonable, thoughts of being possessed or other people being possessed, constantly sinning, plans always coming to ruin.. the list of reasons I have to question my salvation goes on and on and on and on and on… It id very frightening. I am currently a bit drunk trying to ease the pain that comes from knowing I may have hurt the Holy Spirit I once believed I deeply loved so badly that He can’t/won’t even forgive me??? I question if I even believe in Jesus??? I am almost fully convinced that He is the promised Messiah, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.. that He came for ALL sins… Wait.. except… The unpardonable sin I never knew about? What? I am so confused…. I thought if we we confessed our sins, he would be faithful and just to forgive us of ALL unrighteousness?? Well what about me confessing blasphemy of the Holy Spirit right now??? I believe it was unintentional. Stupid and ignorant! I never meant to hurt the one who pulls my heart strings and convicts me to love the Lord! Still…. Why am I so afraid??

      • Noel Lugo said

        There is so much controversy on this topic and it is very flipping annoying and confuzzling! Wtf?? Is there no clear answer as to what this means, what I did so wrong that I could potentially have list any shot at Heaven! I thought I loved Jesus! He is engraved on my heart deeply! My chest id burdened daily for His sake; I never want to harm Him! When evil thoughts pop into my head my soul burns with anger, and profound grief! How could I hate God! It makes no sense! I believe I want to Love! I believe God IS Love; I believe He died abd rise in the third day, suffered many iniquities for the sake of my sins, rose again on the third day after being buried and taking the keys of hell.. I believe this… And yet, as much as I believe this. If not more.. I also believe that I will one day burn in hell for eternity in the deepest, worst part for mankind.. how can I believe both?? I don’t understand?? I trusted Jesus so long for my salvation until I found that Bible verse. Then I reflected in my life and saw how sinful I have been and lost almost all hope and belief that I ever had the Holy Spirit in me to guide me into all Truth.. the devil is a liar and he knows the Bible better than all of us. This terrifies me..Because then I don’t even trust Bible verses knowing how the enemy used the Bible against Jesus and tried to deceive Him, and could deceive us. . I question every day if I truly believe in Jesus, or if I only believe in Him as much as I believe in the many lies engrained into my head….. .. and if I believe in Him equally to the enemy’s lies, is there any hope of salvation for me!? Paul was forgiven his many blasphemies. For a good long while, he must have believed the Christians were from the devil… Even if he had any conviction from the Holy Spirit, he still called them evil, at least in his heart if not also aloud, and he killed them, believing they were evil enough to KILL THEM! EVEN after witnessing the Holy Spirit in them.. how was this not blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? If he could be forgiven, what about me? Was he forgiven. The writers of don’t believe in Paul! They think he was of the devil and went to hell! They believe he was a blasphemer and unforgiven.. me? I don’t know who to believe! I want to feel the Holy Spirit’s Presence and thought maybe the other day I did but I didn’t fully believe it! I am so depressed! I felt a love energy flow through me, down to the palms of my hands.. but how do I know it wasn’t a trick on my mind will and emotions… It was an energy surfing through my body.. but how can I know it was really God’s Love and not the devil whispering words in my ear like “love” “peace” “prosperity” “hope” “forgiveness” “hands” “light” and causing me to imagine the Love, peace and good things I was feeling.. it did feel like a transference if energy.. but how can I know it was a Holy energy? How can I know it was real Love? Agape love. Jesus kind of Love. The kind of Love that SAVES..? IF YOU HAVE THE ANSWER PLEASE CALL 737-685-7327 AND DON’T HOLD BACK EVEN A SHRED OF THE TRUTH for a SINGLE MOMENT! LEST YOU BE JUDGED!! TELL ME THE WHOLE TRUTH IF JESUS OR THE HOLY SPIRIT SO IMPARTS IT TO YOU AND DO SO QUICKLY BECAUSE I AM IN CONFUSION AND I DON’T WANT TO DIE CONFUSED.

  84. ANA GIDDENS said

    You have to read what Jesus said about blasphemy of the holy spirit in context. Jesus was casting out demons and the Pharisees accused him of casting demons out by the power of Satan. In essence they confused the WORK of the Holy Spirit with the work of evil spirits. People do this all the time when they claim that speaking in tongues or any other manifestation of the Holy Spirit is of the devil. You have to consider that the Holy Spirit dwelt on the inside of Christ and dwells on the inside of believers and is manifested the way Jesus said in Mark 16 and that was also filled in Acts chapter 2. It’s one thing to test the spirits whether they be from God and quite another to and and out claim actual manifestations of the Holy Spirit are of the devil.
    Another way people blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to confuse conviction of the Holy Spirit with condemnation of the enemy. Think about it, if someone assumes the devil is convicting them of their sins then they will never repent so how can they be forgiven?

  85. Blake W said

    First of all, salvation is by GRACE through FAITH, NOT works. Salvation is a GIFT. And by the way, in the Bible when people committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was there with them in the flesh, and from their UNBELIEVING heart, their unbelief was so strong, so adamant, that they truly believed that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was filled with the power of Beelzebub, also known as Satan, Lucifer, and the devil. Now, does that sound like you? Do you think those people, the Pharisees, went home that day and said to themselves in their heart, “I hope I didn’t blaspheme the Holy Spirit,” I hope Jesus Christ of Nazareth will forgive me?” NO!!!! They believed He was full of the power of Beelzebub! They didn’t believe that Jesus is God, or that He has the power to forgive sin. Now, does that sound like you? No?! I didn’t think so. Also consider hard-hearted Pharaoh, first he hardened his heart towards God, then God hardened his heart. Do you think Pharaoh after he let God’s people go, do you think Pharaoh went back home and said to himself in his heart, “I hope the God of Moses forgives me for what I’ve done?” No! Pharaoh did not believe in the God of Moses at all! He, like the Pharisees, was not concerned about whether Jesus, aka the God of Moses, would forgive them of their sins at all because they did not even believe in Him at all. Now, does that sound like you? No?! I didn’t think so. So stop worrying about whether you committed the unforgivable sin. God is not a monster. Jesus said in…

    John 6:37 KJV
    “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”

    Romans 10:13-14 KJV
    “13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?”

    Acts 16:30-31 KJV
    “30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
    31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”

    John 11:25-26 KJV
    “25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
    26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

    What is it exactly that saves us? It is the fact that we believe God, specifically, we believe the gospel.

    Romans 10:17 KJV
    “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

    1 Peter 1:23 KJV
    “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”

    Now hear the gospel, the word of God.


    1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
    “1 Moreover, brethren, I DECLARE UNTO YOU THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
    2 BY WHICH also YE ARE SAVED, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures;


    Now, about the free GIFT of salvation by GRACE through FAITH…

    The Bible says in…

    Romans 6:23 KJV

    Let me disprove works.

    The Bible says in…

    Isaiah 64:6 KJV
    “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”

    The Bible says that we are saved from Hell by GRACE through FAITH, NOT of WORKS.

    In Jonah 3:10 KJV God defines “WORKS.”

    Jonah 3:10 KJV
    “And God saw their WORKS, that they TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.”

    So according to the Bible, “WORKS,” is “TURNING FROM YOUR EVIL WAYS.”

    Also we see that God repented, the word repent means “to turn from,” in Jonah 3:10 KJV God changed His mind and turned from one course of action, punishing them for their sins, and decided not to punish them because they had turned from their sins, God did not repent of His SIN, we know that GOD HAS NO SIN.

    Deuteronomy 32:4 KJV
    “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and WITHOUT INIQUITY, just and right is he.”

    In Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV the Bible says the we are saved from Hell by GRACE through FAITH, NOT by TURNING “FROM THEIR EVIL WAY.” In Ephesians 2:10 KJV, the Bible says that we should do good works, but we are not saved by doing good works, we are saved by GRACE through FAITH in the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

    Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
    “8 For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God:
    9 NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.”

    Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV
    “8 For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God:
    9 NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.
    10 For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus UNTO good works, which God hath before ordained that we SHOULD walk in them.”

    Romans 4:5-8 KJV
    “5 But to him that WORKETH NOT, BUT BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his FAITH is counted for righteousness.
    6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness WITHOUT WORKS,
    7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
    8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord WILL NOT IMPUTE SIN.”

    Salvation is about being BORN-AGAIN spiritually as a children of God into the family of God, that’s what being saved is!

    And no matter what you do, or what sins you sin, you’re always a child of God.

    It’s just like when you’re born physically to your physical father, you will always be his child, it’s the same with God, our Heavenly Father.

    That’s what the Bible teaches.

    But there is a difference between SALVATION and SANCTIFICATION.

    SALVATION is a one-time event, where we believe the gospel and are born-again spiritually.

    SANCTIFICATION is where we continually ask for forgiveness and cleansing on a daily basis to stay in a good relationship with God.

    And now, here is a gospel presentation I put together that will clarify true biblical salvation for anyone who reads it.

    Enjoy. It is my delight to present it to you.

    Gospel Presentation Medium Version

    Characters 14422 Words 2820 Lines 307


    The Bible says we can know for sure we’re going to Heaven.

    1 John 5:13 KJV
    “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

    Acts 16:30-31 KJV 
    “30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 
    31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”


    The Bible Way To Heaven

    1. Realize you are a sinner.

    2. Realize the wages of sin is death and Hell.

    3. Realize that Jesus paid the wages of sin for us.

    4. Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth to save you.

    The Bible Way To Heaven

    1. We are all sinners.

    1 John 1:8 KJV
    “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

    Romans 3 KJV
    “10 As it is written, There is NONE righteous, no, NOT ONE:
    23 For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”

    Have you lied before?  Or had a foolish thought?  Or not done something you know you should do?  The Bible says that all 3 of these things are sin.

    Revelation 21:8 KJV
    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, 
    and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the LAKE WHICH BURNETH WITH FIRE and brimstone: which is the SECOND DEATH.”

    Proverbs 24:9 KJV
    “The THOUGHT of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.”

    James 4:17 KJV
    “Therefore to him that KNOWETH to do good, and doeth it not, TO HIM it is sin.”

    The Bible even says that anything that is not of faith is sin!

    Romans 14:23 KJV
    “for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.”

    So people will always sin everyday, and most people will not even realize it.

    In the next verse, the Bible defines sin.

    1 John 3:4 KJV
    “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.”

    Even if you only do the smallest sin, which is still a transgression of the law, the Bible says you are guilty of all.

    James 2:10 KJV
    “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”


    2. The wages of sin is death and Hell.

    Wages are something we earn, sin earns us death, salvation is a GIFT, something we do not earn, but is given to us.

    Romans 6:23 KJV

    Here, the Bible says the WAGES of sin is DEATH meaning HELL, the SECOND DEATH.

    Revelation 20:14 KJV
    “And DEATH and HELL were cast into the LAKE OF FIRE. This is the SECOND DEATH.”


    3. Jesus paid the wages of sin for us.

    Romans 5:6 KJV  
    “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”

    Romans 5:8 KJV  
    “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.“

    Jesus explains that we must be born again, and he explains what that means, see we are all born of the flesh by our mother, but only those who are born again of the Holy Spirit will enter into heaven.

    John 3:5-6 KJV
    “5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
    6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”

    The Bible says we are born again by hearing and believing the Word of God.

    Romans 10:17 KJV
    “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

    1 Peter 1:23 KJV
    “23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”

    The Bible says it is by believing and having faith in THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that we ARE SAVED (from Hell), the gospel is written in the word of God.

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
    “1 Moreover, brethren, I DECLARE UNTO YOU THE GOSPEL which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
    2 BY WHICH also YE ARE SAVED, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the scriptures;

    God says in the Bible that Jesus Christ of Nazareth took our sin in his own body, died with them and WENT TO HELL to pay for them, and most importantly, HE ROSE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD and IS ALIVE FOREVERMORE, so that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM, shall not perish but have everlasting life.

    2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV
    “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 

    1 Peter 2 KJV 
    “21 Christ also suffered for us, 
    22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 
    24 Who his own self BARE OUR SINS IN HIS OWN BODY on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”

    Matthew 12:39-40 KJV
    “39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
    40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH.”

    Acts 2:22-36 KJV
    “22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
    23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:
    24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
    25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
    26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:
    27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
    29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.
    30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
    31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.
    32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
    36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

    So you see how that Jesus Christ of Nazareth has PAID the wages of our sin for us, and has had victory over sin and death, and it is through Him that we also have this victory through Him.

    1 John 5:11 KJV
    “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.”

    The Bible says that hell is where the dead are. 

    Notice how the DEAD are judged according to their WORKS.

    Revelation 20:12-15 KJV
    “12 And I saw the DEAD, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the BOOK OF LIFE: and the DEAD were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their WORKS.
    13 And the sea gave up the DEAD which were in it; and death and HELL delivered up the DEAD which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their WORKS.
    14 And death and HELL were cast into the LAKE OF FIRE. This is the SECOND DEATH.
    15 And whosoever was not found written in the BOOK OF LIFE was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE.”

    The Bible says that in Heaven, people are ALIVE!

    Matthew 22:32 KJV
    “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

    Jesus Christ of Nazareth said that He IS the LIFE!

    John 14:6 KJV
    “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

    John 6:63 KJV
    “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK unto you, they are spirit, and THEY ARE LIFE.”

    📖Revelation 1:18 KJV 
    “I am HE THAT LIVETH, and was DEAD; and, behold, I AM ALIVE for evermore, Amen; and HAVE THE KEYS of HELL and of DEATH.”📖

    John 14:6 KJV
    “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

    📖John 5:24 KJV  
    “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that HEARETH MY WORD, and BELIEVETH on him that sent me, HATH everlasting LIFE, and shall NOT come into condemnation; but IS passed from death unto LIFE.”📖

    📖John 11:25-26 KJV
    “25 Jesus said unto her, I AM the resurrection, and the LIFE: he that BELIEVETH IN ME, THOUGH HE WERE DEAD, YET SHALL HE LIVE:
    26 And WHOSOEVER LIVETH and BELIEVETH IN ME shall never die. BELIEVEST thou this?”📖

    John 3:15-18 KJV 
    “15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”
    16 For God so loved the world, that HE GAVE his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should NOT perish, but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.  
    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.  
    18 He that BELIEVETH on him is NOT condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

    Romans 10:13-14 KJV 
    “13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
    14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?”

    Acts 4:10-12 KJV 
    “10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
    11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
    12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

    The Bible says that we are saved from HELL by GRACE through FAITH in the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, NOT by our own WORKS, NOT good deeds, NOT turning from our sin to stop sinning, and NOT by living a good life, but we are saved by grace through faith believing the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

    The Bible says that we are saved from hell by GRACE through FAITH, NOT of WORKS.

    In Jonah 3:10 KJV God defines “WORKS.”

    Jonah 3:10 KJV
    “And God saw their WORKS, that they TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.”

    So according to the Bible, “WORKS,” is “TURNING FROM YOUR EVIL WAYS.”

    Also we see that God repented, the word repent means “to turn from,” in Jonah 3:10 KJV God changed His mind and turned from one course of action, punishing them, and decided not to punish them, not repented of His sin, we know that GOD HAS NO SIN.

    Deuteronomy 32:4 KJV
    “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and WITHOUT INIQUITY, just and right is he.”

    In Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV the Bible says the we are saved from hell by GRACE through FAITH, NOT by TURNING “FROM THEIR EVIL WAY.” In Ephesians 2:10 KJV, the Bible says that we should do good works, but we are not saved by doing good works, we are saved by GRACE through FAITH in the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

    Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV
    “8 For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God:
    9 NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast.
    10 For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus UNTO good works, which God hath before ordained that we SHOULD walk in them.”

    📖 Romans 4:5-8 KJV
    “5 But to him that WORKETH NOT, BUT BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his FAITH is counted for righteousness.
    6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness WITHOUT WORKS,
    7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
    8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord WILL NOT IMPUTE SIN.”📖


    4. Confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth to save you.

    Acts 16:30-31 KJV
    “30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
    31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,…”

    Romans 10 KJV 
    “9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 
    10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    Matthew 12:34 KJV
    “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”

    Psalms 116:10 KJV
    “I believed, therefore have I spoken:”

    If you believe the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, tell God you believe them and say this simple prayer.

    God, I know I’m a sinner and I deserve hell,
    I believe you sent your son Jesus Christ of Nazareth to die for my sins,
    I believe he died for my sins, was buried, and rose again,
    I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    I’m only trusting in you Jesus to save me,
    Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior,
    please save me right now,
    please give me eternal life,
    please come into my heart, 
    fill me with the Holy Ghost, 
    and take me to heaven when I die,
    Thank you for saving me,
    I love you,
    it is in Jesus’s name I pray,
    thank you,

    When we get saved, we receive the Holy Ghost, which is the same as the Holy Spirit!

    Jesus breathed the Holy Ghost onto his disciples after they saw him risen from the dead, and they believed, this is the same as us!  After we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, we receive the Holy Ghost.

    John 20:21-22 KJV
    “21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
    22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:”

    John 14:16-18 KJV
    “16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you FOR EVER;
    17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
    18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

    When we get saved we become children of God.

    John 1:12 KJV
    “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”

    Galatians 3:26 KJV
    “For ye are all the children of God by FAITH in Christ Jesus.”

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