The notebook: They did not expose your sin!

I have a notebook that I used to carry everywhere with me, and I would write whatever God has laid on my heart after reading his Word. Nowadays I carry my laptop and 3G with me everywhere, to my wife’s irritation, so I can write whatever revelations God reveals in me. Here is what I wrote on the 7th November 2008, titled ‘They did not expose your sin’:

“The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity” (Lamentations 2:14)

Israel had false prophets who were misleading him, and telling him that all is good and that the nation will prosper. These false prophets were telling Israel that God is on their side, while God was very angry at them. As it is a situation even at present, these false prophets were outnumbering God’s real prophets, as such they were easily believed. Prophet Jeremiah was a very unpopular prophet, because he was telling Israel of the doom that is going to happen to them if they didn’t repent. Of course Israel didn’t want to hear that, as such they put Jeremiah into the dungeon to die. Ooh, how it is the same today! False prophets are claiming properties while doom is coming.

These false prophets will not tell you about your sins, because you will not like them. They won’t expose your sins, lest you turn on them. They will tell you what you want to hear, but they won’t dare to tell you that unless you repent then only doom awaits you. They are counting on your donations, and of course they won’t jeopardize that. Reality is unless your sins are exposed; then captivity awaits you. Israel didn’t like to listen to Jeremiah and it is not different today. People do not want to listen to Jeremiahs of today; they would rather listen to false prophets. But Israel of today needs to have his sins exposed, so his captivity can be ward off.

So whom are you listening to? False Prophets who tell you that all is well; or Jeremiahs who tell you that you need to repent?

1 Comment »

  1. limewire said

    lmao fun story bro.

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